The Nature of Corruption in John Grisham's Novel "The Appeal"

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Politics has always been a dirty game. Now justice is, too.” Although “The Appeal” by John Grisham is a fictional book, the author himself claims that there is a certain truth behind the storyline, as he explains in the author's note. “I must say that there is a lot of truth in this story.” This quote especially shocks one when reconsidering the story and the criminal energy involved. The book impresses the reader with a story based on corruption and money. Mary Grace and Wes Payton are, married and both work as lawyers on the verdict against Krane Chemicals, on the edge of financial ruin they barely manage to finance the last trial against Krane Chemicals. Although they win the verdict and with that earn an immense amount of money Krane's managers understand how to keep the money away from Mary Grace and Wes Payton in order to bring them into even more financial trouble and the company out of it. Just as the Payton's, Carl Trudeau is one of the main characters in the book and a multi billionaire as one of the manager's of Krane Chemicals. Mr. Trudeau displays an emotionless, cold hearted businessman eager to accomplish his goals by acting in his typical ruthless manner. As he owns most of the company's shares he is also the one most interested in the well-being of Krane Chemicals and hires a company called judicial vision to buy a seat in the court deciding on the case. When a chemical company called Krane Chemicals poisons the ground water with chemical toxic waste hundreds of people die of cancer or get seriously ill. When Mary Grace and Wes Payton win the case the against the company, the shares drop dramatically. Carl Trudeau, who owns an impressive amount of shares looses over one billion dollars in one day, an... ... middle of paper ... of the book. As the book comes to the final moments and everything seems clear and predictable Grisham manages to twist the book suddenly. The occurring twist of the story happens so brutally realistic that one even sympathizes with a corrupt jury member. “waiting for a child to live or die. No, they had not. Otherwise they wouldn't be what they are today.” When one has completely lost all hope in human morality a tragic event changes a few things for both the characters in the book and the reader that gains new hope to believe in morality. In my opinion Grisham's message that he wants to transfer via the book clearly takes the lead before the entertaining aspect of a book, sadly this makes the book hard to read and follow at certain point. Nevertheless Grisham proudly presents the readers a story, with yet again the final message that money rules the world.

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