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Limitations and strengths of structural family therapy
Limitations and strengths of structural family therapy
Limitations and strengths of structural family therapy
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It is evident that in order to help and take care of others sufficiently, one has to take care of themselves. “The fact that impaired counselors are more likely to harm clients has been established. Similarly, well counselors are more likely to help clients become more well” (as cited in Lawson & Myers, 2011, p. 163). One of the main goals of counseling is to help the client. That goal will be hard to achieve if the counselor is not practicing appropriate self- care. “Counselors have long understood that burnout is a potential risk inherent in the counseling profession” (Lawson & Myers, 2011, p. 164). Burnout is not the only risk. Counselors take in a lot of pain, suffering, anger, and sadness from their clients. “In terms of professional …show more content…
“The goal of this approach is to differentiate self within a system and to understand one’s family origin” (Corey, p. 407). In other words, “Bowen theory hypothesizes that the functioning of families is enhanced with viable emotional contact between its multigenerational members” (Klever, 2015, p.1). Bowen focused on two concepts, differentiation and triangulation. Differentiation means emotionally disconnecting from the family and triangulation means involving a third person into the family problems (Corey). This theory views emotional problems as being transferable from generation to generation until resolved effectively (Corey). Structural family therapy was developed by Salvador Minuchin (1974). “The central idea was that an individual’s symptoms are best understood from the vantage point of interactional patterns, or sequences, within a family” (Corey, p. 408). In order for an individual’s symptoms to be reduced or eliminated, structural changes must occur in the family (Corey). The goals of structural family therapy are to reduce symptoms of dysfunction and to establish appropriate boundaries so that structural change can occur.
For Bowen, the family is the unit of observation and the emphasis is put on emotional forces that are common to all families, this helps to reduce the significance of which family member is causing the problem. Bowens approach to change is understood within the context of striving to understand life’s forces, the very principal that gives coherence to Bowens approach to therapy. (Friedman, 1991). When attempting to achieve change within a client the source of the issue is less important, but rather trying to locate the systematic forces within a family as well as those that are transmitted from generation...
Structured Family Therapy (SFT) refers the mere undesignated rules that structure how a family interacts with one another (Walsh, 2010). The family unit is composed of systems or parts, and the parts must be unified to compile a whole unit to create homeostasis (Broderick, 1993). SFT therapy is warranted when dysfunction enters the family unit, and creates a deficiency of adaption by the individual which disrupts the family structure (Boyle, 2000). The family structure is composed of major components such as: subsystems, executive authority, boundaries, rules, roles, alliances, triangles, flexibility, and communication (Walsh,
Structural therapy focuses on the family as a whole. It is concerned about how the issues effect the family relationships and connections. This theory concentrates on how well the understanding is amongst the family members and counselor. The members of the family are prompted to understand how the issues were created, where did the issues come from, when the issues started effecting their family, and what the family needs to overcome their issues. Its focus is to help others understand and improve negative behavior. The structural therapy concentrates on the interaction and boundaries of families with separating the whole family into smaller groups. The subsystems will create a clearer understanding of what issues are hurting their family environment (Gladding, S. T. 2010). The counselor is concerned about the members interaction because this reveals how strong the relationships and connections are in the home. The boundaries are important because they create an understanding that there are limits and order, and the boundaries can be diffused, rigid, or clear (Gladding, S. T. 2010). The counselor is expected to identify techniques so members can understand which boundaries are clear, positive, and healthy (Gladding, S. T. 2010).
Bowen theory offers a model through which to view family processes. Within the Jarrett family system, we witness emotional triangulation, communication issues, family secrets, as well as crisis and change. The basic framework of Murray Bowen’s theory rests in the conceptualization of the family as an emotional unit. This conceptualization views the emotional activity of individuals within the family system as existing. The relationships between participants in the system are seen as a more valid indicator of individual functioning than any other. Bowen theory judges family health by the ability or inability of family members to function independently of underlying emotional forces. An ability to function independently of the ongoing family emotional process is ...
Structural Family therapy focus is to reform the family so that there are limits between parents and progenies, while the parents are reassuring of each other and their children. In achieving this the therapist has observed firsthand
Furthermore, “the central premise of this theory is that one must resolve all emotional issues with the family of origin, rather than reject reactively or accept passively that family, before one can become a mature and healthy individual” (Charles, 2001, p. 280). Bowen believed that the change in the self occurred through the change in relationships with others, so he encouraged the client to reconnect with the nuclear family members and resolve all emotional issues with them. This is because Bowen believed that unresolved conflicts with the family of origin would catch up with the client and affect his or her present relationships. Also, conflicts do not exist in the person, but in the family system. The necessary changes must take place in the self as well as in the larger system.
Fred, Wilma, and Rose present an interesting perspective when looking at their family through a Structural Family Systems Theory. When trying to work with the family a social worker will utilize Functional Family Therapy in order to understand their structure and maybe ameliorate some of the family’s problems. Using Rose and her family as the clients it will be able explain what interventions we can use when we learn the constructs of the theory.
In our society families are the foundation of all human relationships. Therefore learning to maintain and develop healthy families are the goals of family therapist. Counselors can use the Structural Family Therapy approach in counseling hurting families. The pioneer of structural family therapy is Salvador Minuchin (Hammond & Nichols, 2014).
Structural Family Therapy offers a framework that provides order and meaning within the family connections (Nichols, 2013). Divorce for a family is considered a significant transition for all parties involved. When counseling a family going through divorce the structural family therapist’s job is to build an alliance with the family and obtain information about the structure. The structure of the family consists of the roles, interactions, organization, and hierarchy. Family therapy yields the belief that changing the organization of the family leads to change in the individual members. The structural family therapist often will try to become part of the family to gain a perspective of their issues as whole so not to place the focus on one individual. Joining is an empathetic approach in helping families explain and break down their individual stories without uncomfortable challenge or unnecessary confrontation (Nichols, 2013). It is important to note that family dysfunction that often leads to divorce is not attributed to one individual, but the entire family system. In structural family therapy, part of dealing with the issue of divorce in the family is to focus on the interactions between all the family members both positive and negative. Through these interactions the therapist can discover where the conflicts arise, which will in turn help the therapist understand how these negative interaction affect the family. Family therapy in these cases allows for repair of long-standing interactional patterns in which divorce is just one of a series of ongoing transactions that are disruptive to the child’s development (Kaplan, 1977, p.75). The structural family therapist often has the family play out these family interactions via enactments so that he can get a firsthand look at maladaptive patterns, roles, and
Murray Bowen developed family systems theory. This transgenerational model looks at how a family’s history informs their present functioning. Today it is a prominent model used by today’s family and marriage mental health professionals. Derived from psychoanalytic thinking and sometimes called natural systems theory, it posits that families are living and evolving systems shaped by chronic anxiety transmitted through its generations. Anxiety is aroused when individuals attempt to balance their individual identity with being a part of a family. This balancing act inevitably causes anxiety, triggering biological coping responses instead of healthy cognition and reasoning (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2012). Erford
effective and has at least three studies that have proven results in lowering substance abuse and
Each family unit exhibits concepts and themes found within Bowen’s Family System Theory. In my family unit, I see the following concepts and themes from a family system theory perspective exhibited through my genogram; boundaries, levels of differentiation, family projection process, and emotional cutoff. Each of these will be expanded on further below:
Alex is a nine year old boy who was referred to the school psychologist to be evaluated. Alex has been displaying difficult behaviors in school and at home. These behaviors are affecting his social and school life. Alex has been defiant towards teachers and has frequent confrontations with other students. Alex became fussy about the food that he eats, lost interest in after school activities, and stopped playing soccer. It was noted that Alex has trouble sleeping and he wakes up as much as four times a day. It was also noted by his parents that Alex used to be very social, and outgoing until his parents separated. Alex is often irritable and has been having frequent stomach aches and headaches but, doctors did not find a cause for his physical
According to Monica McGoldrick, “A genogram should always be part of a more general process of joining, assessing and helping a family (McGoldrick, 1999).” Although I feel it really should depend of the presenting issues of the family, there is a great deal of merit to its use. Genograms allow for the “Tracking [of] critical events and changes on family functioning allows us to notice anniversary reactions,” or most importantly in Jared’s case “systemic connected between seeming coincidences…its resources and vulnerability to future stresses…” (McGoldrick, 1999). Simply making mental notes while Jared’s aunt was speaking, and eventually putting those notes to paper, both Kassi, his intake counselor and I, realized the issues surrounding Jared’s unbecoming behavior began five years ago. Five years ago can be interpreted as time full of change, difficult change, for Jared. It was around this time that his aunt had moved into the household and the torch that symbolized his parenting moved from his grandmother to his aunt. His aunt moved in because not only was her father sick, but her mother could no longer take care of her husband because she also became sick. She was
The counselor’s objective is to identify the problem of the client and plan out the method of helping the client overcome the problem. The most rewarding part of being a counselor is the ability to make a difference in people’s lives. In private practice, there is a constant push to become more skilled at helping so that clients will refer others to you for help. It is also important to follow up with the client about their well-being even after treatment has ended to ensure that they are still living a healthy and stress-free life. The client must make time for all scheduled sessions with the counselor for best results of treatment. If we don’t express our feelings during counseling sessions, the hurt and frustration behind the situation will build up, and once the client releases, it may trigger other situations and bring on severe mental health