The Mountaintop Analysis

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The Mountaintop is a unique one act play based on Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s last night before he was assassinated. The entire play takes place in a single setting, room 306 of the Lorraine Motel. The production brings an interesting perspective into play by introducing a female supporting act that at first seemed to represent one of King’s infamous mistresses, but turned out to be an angel who was sent to take King up to heaven. The play covers many aspects of King’s life and attempts to show him on a more personal level. The main theme of the play seemed to be based around humanizing King, showing elements of his life many people didn’t know about. Overall the play had good composition, many historical references, and quality acting. I found the concept of the play to be quite interesting. I learned new things about Martin Luther King such as his smoking habit and that he was a womanizer, both of …show more content…

Some areas of the play were questionable, but I commend the actors for doing a terrific job with their performance. This play would be beneficial for high school American history students. Hence, it allowed me to build a greater appreciation for Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. I wish I would have been able to see this performance in high school. The concept of the play was very intriguing and would appeal to anyone interested in history, not just civil rights historians. The Mountaintop involved many historical references, good composition, and excellent acting. It was an eye-opening tale that gave me a greater appreciation of Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy. The play keeps you on your toes and addresses many historical perspectives. Some may find the play to be dry, but in my opinion, it was a quality production. I would recommend this play to students and adults

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