The Mountain by Robert Frost

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Robert Frost writes poems that always seem to have a message that is deeper than what the eyes can read. During this poem, Robert Frost uses descriptive terms and dialogue to convey a story. Mountains are very steep and take a lot of work and dedication to get to the top. Mountains can be compared to fears throughout this poem. You want to overcome fears just the same as you wishing to make it to the top of the mountain. Robert Frost has many themes throughout his poem. Three of the themes during this poem are the description of the mountain, the manipulation of the farmer, and the actions of the man. Frost knows the right ways to take someone on a journey.
Nature is commonly known as one of Robert Frost’s favorite subjects to write about. Being able to deeply describe nature in a way that people love is something that Frost has mastered. Nature is something that is beautiful and most people take it for granted. The scenery is also a very big part of “The Mountain”. Scenery makes nature a much beautiful place, as if it already is not.
Everything surrounding the mountains are beautiful. Robert Frost often speaks on nature. The grass around the mountains makes them stick out better. Robert Frost is deeply in love with nature and expresses those emotions often. Frost talks about how the seasons are backwards saying “It’s always cold in summer, warm in winter.” The mountains are surrounded by steam in the winter, making it a beautiful sight. There are bushes that run along the banks of the river near the mountains. The descriptive words used throughout the poem provide an amazing visual of both the mountains and their surroundings.
Although nature is something that is talked about through the majority of the poem, the scenery i...

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...y observant and curious. Robert Frost is great with describing something and the way he describes the visitor is amazing.
Never let someone manipulate you into doing something that you are not sure should be done. The town’s visitor seemed as if he were a very respectful man. Was he a businessman? How did he have enough time to roam the town and end up somewhere different? Many questions approach the mind. This particular businessman seems very headstrong. He will not let someone random tell him what he needs to do.
”The Mountain” is a piece by Robert Frost that integrates descriptive details, manipulation from one man to another, and resulting actions. Throughout the entire poem, the idea comes to mind that the mountain talked about could be obstacles in life. People go through different things everyday and have to figure out a way to make it through the storm.

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