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Genealogy of morals
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Adoption of specific moral code of conducts can be termed as an act of adhering to certain regulations or guidelines as stipulated by a given body or institution in order to be at par with societal or governmental expectations. Apart from governmental rules and regulations, religious beliefs and practices are among the key determinants of moral conduct and ethics which are exhibited by any given society. Therefore, the level of moral and ethical influence in a given society directly correlates to the religious doctrines which dominate in that society. Religious practices are linked to moral conduct due to the association of supreme authorities or powers which are thought to control and govern the activities in the universe. Depending on the society in question, a person is expected to hold on certain practices which are presumed to be of please to these supreme authorities.
Basic concepts on Christianity and Islamic
Since time immemorial, men have held diverse religious practices as part of their cultural and social practices. Nevertheless, Christianity and Islamic form the current leading religious practices which have majority of followers. In term of demographics, majority of Christianity followers originate from western countries such as Europe and United States of America. On the other, Islamic practices are highly exhibited by individuals from Middle East countries and parts of West and North Africa. Though these two dominating religions have embraced different techniques and methodologies in presenting their doctrines to their believers, the content and the expectation from the followers are closely similar. As an evaluation, Christianity has used Jesus Christ termed as son of God as the vessel of disse...
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...on should undergo similar or equivalent condition under which his or her victim underwent.
The Moral and social conducts which are exhibited by any given society are determined by various factors such as religion, cultural activities and governmental regulations. The link of a given religion to moral conduct is as a result of supreme authority of powers which are presumed to control the universe. Individual who act against the doctrines of the religion in question are usually subject to punishment. Conversely faithful followers are doubtlessly rewarded for their firm stand with the practices of that religion. The moral conducts expectations from followers of both Christianity and Islamic are closely similar in terms of objectives or goals. However, the technique of achieving these moral and social issues may differ in both Christianity and Islamic.
Morals are usually the standards by one which lives in, whether them being good or bad. However, how about when religion influences ones morals? Religion isn’t or it doesn’t work for everyone, and that’s okay. But, there are many people out there that religion influences their morals; and the most common reason for that is that religion was influenced into them and into their morals as a child. Iri...
Renard, John. Islam and Christianity: theological themes in comparative perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011. Print.
There are many similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There are also many differences that separate the three major religions of the world. This paper will delve into all three of them.
Throughout history it is evident that many religions have been tried, tested, and, for some, radically changed. Many religions have gone through periods of time in which the way they were run or enforced underwent changes in practice and leadership. In many cases disagreements and differing outlooks among members of certain religions were to blame for these changes. Christianity and Islam are two examples of religions that have experienced changes over the course of their existence. While these religions seem to have little in common at first glance, both have strikingly similar pasts that consist of radical splits due to disagreements among members of the Christian and Islamic churches, resulting in new branches within each religion.
Further to the idea of how the obedience of religious standards prevails over the materialistic impulses
The two largest religions in the world, Christianity and Islam, were implemented by two of religions most powerful leaders, Jesus and Muhammad. Without question, both Jesus and Muhammad have affected humanity powerfully. As religious leaders both men laid down the principles upon which Christianity and Islam are founded yet today. However, while Jesus performed miracles and arose from the dead, thus proving to his followers he was God, Muhammad performed no such feats, and made no such claims. In fact, Muhammad’s only claim was that he was the last prophet sent from God.
The Much common ground is shared in attempt to provide approaches to finding answers to some of the deepest questions of life. I will discuss these significant similarities focusing on human dignity, identity, difference, and guardianship. “Islam is similar to Christianity in respect to human dignity and identity in that both acknowledge creation and that God is the creator of heaven and earth”. The aspect of both subscribes to the role of prophets who were venerated in both Islam and Christianity. Due to this fact, they both are traced to the times of Abraham (Ipgrave and Marshall 14-77). The goal of each faiths’ ethos is to love God by way of obeying His commandments on guidance from their respective Holy Books. They both do broadly consist of individuals that owe their allegiance to a metaphysical deity. Owing to the fact that the two are considered Abrahamic religions. They do both captures in the strictest sense the aspect of guardianship in respect to both having belief in only one God. A belief is impliedly preaching the existence of heaven and hell. Goes on to affirm the existence of the belief of the second coming of the Savior, which affirms the faiths’ ethos towards the attainment of the religions’ goals. Aimed at promoting and achieving a holistic understanding of religion, as the flexibility to accommodate diverse backgrounds of its adherents that is always prone to abuse. Christianity and Islam’s
It has been stated that a person’s sense of morality deals with how he should act as a person, as opposed to acting on the basis of his race, ethnicity or religion. This statement therefore implies that all people should have the same set of morals. People should be concerned with how they should act as people in general and not let other aspects of who they are influence their sense of morality. But in the end this belief has been proven to be false. Different people across the world have contrasting moral reactions, natural responses and thoughts to moral dilemmas. (Fleischacker, 1994, p.8)
For the layman, familiarity with the major religions stems from the stories that are associated with them. Using the narratives that are derived from the sacred texts is the most prominent way in which our society identifies the Western religions. The Jewish tradition is best correlated to stories like the Exodus and the parting of the Red Seas, for example, as are the many tales of the miracles of Jesus connected to Christianity. This essay will present narratives as an easy method of providing the basic groundwork for the Western religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because of their simplicity and easily transmittable nature. Furthermore, narratives impart many of the rules, laws, and moral fundamentals for these faiths, and are used by religious writers as a novel method of initiating discussion or providing a parallel for other narratives.
There are many religions today that people worship and adapt into their daily lives are their creed. Some may have a lot of gods, while some only have one god. But three of these religions are considered as the major religion practiced by most people in the world today. Although different in some senses in terms of history and other teachings, they all have things in common that most of their followers do not seem to realize. The similarities are very important to understand each religion better and be able to determine which parts they vary. In this paper, I like to discuss the similarities found in the three major monotheistic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
By definition, ethics is what is and isn’t morally acceptable, and religion is a designed set of standards used to “worship” higher powers (“Ethics;” “Religion”). For centuries, people have argued about what it takes to be considered morally just and if it is related to religious beliefs or if it is a skill that all humans have adapted. After deep analysis of several different sources and examples were religions have tested the boundaries of morally acceptable behavior, it is clear that one doesn’t have to practice a religion to make ethical decisions.
It holds that, as a matter of fact, moral beliefs and practices vary between cultures (and sometimes between groups within a single society). For instance, some societies condemn homosexuality; others accept it; in some cultures a student who corrects a teacher would be thought to be disrespectful; elsewhere such behavior might be encouraged. The rules, principles and standards that constitute a morality differ in different religions, and cultures, just as they differ historically. The morality of ancient Greece was not the morality of feudal Europe or contemporary American; the morality of the Trobriand Islanders is not the same as the morality of the Kwakiutl Indians (Barnet, 2008). In this paper I intend to argue that moral reasoning
There are several ethical teachings in Christianity and Islam that instruct Christians and Muslims on how they should act in everyday life. These ethical teachings often require the members of each religion to give generously to the welfare of those in need. This essay will prove that both Islam and Christianity have ethical teachings that instruct people to give to the needy. This will be proved by first defining what an ethical guideline or teaching is, by looking at the Islamic ethical guidelines that instruct Muslims to help those in need and finally through analysing the Christian ethical guidelines that teach Christians to contribute to the welfare of those in need.
At the first glance, Islam and Christianity appear to have nothing in common, however; as you go beyond the surface, they appear to have many similarities such as their beliefs of God, their beliefs of life after death, their holy scriptures, and their prayers. These religions, although two entirely different beliefs, share a similar origin. Like many other religions, they both claim to be the one and only true way to God. In order to truly see and understand their similarities, one must date back to the rise and birth of Christianity and Islam. Throughout the course of this essay, I will compare the many facets that show the alikeness between these two growing religions.
Our society has several pillars, and human morality serves as a foundation for a lot of it. (Elsevier, 2009) It has always been a big aspect of our life, especially in a Filipino community wherein religion plays a big influence in our norm, which inturn affects our day to day decisions and interactions