The Mass Media and Foreign Policy

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The mass media has become a very significant player in the politics of US foreign policy. There are two major reasons for this. First Americans society and the global environment have grown in complexity and in importance in affecting the lives of Americans; people have developed a greater need for information about national and international affairs. Second during the 20th century a media revolution occurred that makes it possible for the mass media to rapidly communicate information anywhere on the planet. The result of this is much of the information, knowledge, and images that individuals have of the world, come from the mass media

A Walter Lippman a famous broadcaster and journalist talked about the effect the media and government played in their role in effecting foreign policy. He first came up with the idea of mediated reality which means that we do not encounter situations first hand but they re mediated through others and experience it through them. This could be TV, the radio; other people have interpreted this info for us. Manufactured consent is where and there is int...

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