The Man From The Other Side

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“The Man from the Other Side” by Uri Orlev “The Man from the Other Side” written by Uri Orlev was published in 1989. Orlev was born on February 24, 1931 and is currently still living. He starts off this particular book with a pre-chapter titled; “A Word About My Friend Marek”. There he explains how he and a man named Marek had met and realized their similar pasts of the “Nazi-occupied Warsaw of [their] childhood”. They swapped childhood memories over drinks, and Uri become very interested in Marek's memories with engrossed fascination. Uri, being a journalist, understood the genuine real life experience his new friend had gone through as a young boy, and he began taking notes of this fantastic story. Marek became nervous, explaining that what he had done was a sensitive subject to where he had grown up. He …show more content…

He befriended a Jew, someone others ridiculed. He even fought for this friend, he put his life and his family's safety on the line for this Jew. He saw the courage of the Jews, their own willingness to die standing, and he learned how they felt about being thrown aside as trash. He saw their joy at fighting back, their suffering as loved ones died, he saw their fear as they gave themselves up, and he saw their love. This teenager teaches us about standing up for what you believe in and accepting others. When you read this story it seems so unbelievable to experience such cruelness from other human beings. It would be hard to bear the life of seeing the monstrosity of human power and fear first hand. Mareks story makes the people, the Jews, the ones who others saw with disgust, as powerful. They fought back. They rejoiced each time the Germans were pushed back. They picked up a gun for to some the first time in their lives and fought for freedom. The story makes you stop and think about something you are willing to die for, because this one boys sacrifice made a difference to so many

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