The Main Causes Of Individuality In The Witches Of Arthur Miller

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Being an individual and trying to separate yourself by being different is not usual in the puritan community. They do everything as a whole and that is what they believe in. In this article it says, “Such an adamantly ridged society of course implies that any form of individuality will be considered subversive and dangerous” (Bonnet 32). The main cause of this entire process is a mixture of individual and social forces. The character Abigail is out of lust for Proctor and out of jealousy for Elizabeth Proctor which was mentioned earlier. In the article it also approaches that “Every single person can avail himself of the opportunity to weak his own personal vengeance on his neighbor. At the same time that fallen state of things becomes a social …show more content…

It talks about how the young Puritan girls who are caught doing something suspicious which was dancing in the forest (Decter, 54). To prevent the punishment, the girls, accuse multiple neighbors for bewitching them. The people who get accused of witchery is sent to trial. They either have to lie and say that they did do witchcraft or say they didn’t. Lying is the best thing to do in the situation that they are in. It is really a set up cause either way they are breaking the rules of their religion. But if they lie they have better chances of not dying so quick, they will just be sent to jail but be on trial for execution. If the say they didn’t commit it and the court think that they are lying and they will get hanged immediately. This is all based off of social dynamics. The reason why people lied and scapegoat others is so that they wouldn’t get punished for witchcraft. Most of the people that was blaming people for it was the ones who were doing the witchcraft, for an example, all of the girls that was dancing in the forest. They blamed people for their actions so that they won’t get punished for it and so that the attention would be taken off of them. The result of all of this blaming is that the entire village is descended into hysteria about witches. Those called to testify about their knowledge of or participation of witchcraft, communist activities were in fact guilty as

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