The Madonna And Child By Nardo Di Cione

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Description: The Madonna and Child was made by the Italian artist Nardo di Cione in 1350 ce. It is made with tempora paint (a mix of egg yoke, water and colored pigment) and gold leaf applied to a wooden panel. There are lines outlining the figure of the Madonna and her child. These are part of the painters original sketches. The tempora paint with blue, peach, and orange colors were used to build color into the Madonna and the Child. Very thin layers of gold leaf were applied to the background and clothes.

Analysis: This is a portrait painting. The softness of the colors in the painting connects with the people in the painting: the Madonna and her Child. This painting is made with many outline lines which mark the edge of the figures shapes. The shading made around the exposed skin of the figures gives dimension and depth to the painting. The figures are created in positive space, they stand out against a gold colored background. The brightest color in the painting is the gold background, while the lightest is the faces of the two figures, The soft peach of their skin stands out against the solid all gold background, thus creating a focal point to the painting. The colors are …show more content…

It also gives an appreciation for motherhood. During the time this painting was made, people were suffering all throughout Europe from the Black Plague. People were turning to prayer and faith for comfort. People wanted order and peace after the plague, and this art piece was like many others made in that time that represented a return to prayer and faith. This art piece also shows return to a more traditional Christian style of painting. The infant Christ child also celebrates new life and hope for peace. Pieces of the original frame that are on the back of the painting indicate that it would have been part of a three-part altar piece, or triptych, that would have been kept in people's homes for private prayer and

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