The Machine Stops Analysis

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Today we are with Edward Morgan Forster, the author of the ominous sci-fi novella, The Machine Stops. Written in 1909, this story captures a world where all humans are housed underground. Each human is enclosed in a cell where all needs, physical and spiritual, are satisfied by the machine. Video conferencing with other humans is made via the machine, through which ideas are conveyed between the humans. The story explores the life of a mother and son, their journeys to meet each other and the eventual downfall of society as a whole.
What did you want your plot to convey?
The exposition of my text was my vision of Earth in the distant future, where computer development has increased dramatically, to the extent where it controls humans. I exploited …show more content…

However, I learned the best defining features of short stories from Edgar Allan Poe. He described the most necessary elements of an effective story. When I was writing The Machine Stops, I planned it so that I was able to keep the ending in mind whilst writing it. This allowed my plot to be clear and concise. The exposition in my story is powerful, my characters and the base for the theme are as inspired by Poe’s own short stories. I made Kuno and Vashti two opposites, allowing me to explore the theme from two different perspectives. The Machine Stops follows the structure of starting with a problem. A complication then occurs, which is then resolved resulting in a climax. My story follows the basic plot of a character’s quest as they follow a journey to reach a destination. During The Machine Stops, Vashti travels on a journey to talk to her son in need, however she faces issues of confronting humans as well as her son’s rebellious behaviour. She finally meets her son, only to find out that he has committed a “sin” against the machine by leaving. In a way the machine resolves the troubles in society by collapsing and ending civilization as a …show more content…

I followed this structure, including some memorable stories which define and acknowledge my father’s life. A eulogy can be written as a conversation with those attending; your memories and feelings are shared with each other. This has been expressed throughout the second and the fifth paragraph. Various tones can be used in a eulogy whether they be sad, serious, thoughtful or humorous. I have chosen for my eulogy to be a down to earth, thoughtful and humorous, as this matches the personality of my

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