The Look in my Father's eyes

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As I walk slowly to the bloody gruesome crime scene I snap on my gloves to examine the body of a girl much to young to have died. I can’t bear to have to tell her parents how she died, a brutal murder from an elusive well known murder all because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looking at her beaten face with a long scar running from her eyebrow to her jaw oozing out bright red blood, I can tell she was a beautiful girl with a promising future, making me think of when I was that young looking forward to a career in science never thinking I would end up dissecting the bodies of murdered men and women. Do not get me wrong I love my job but it is hard to examine the body of a ten-year-old boy whom was hung from a tree because of a prank gone wrong by some older kids he was trying to impress. As I am looking around I find the note from the famous killer, which I do not usually read because I try to not become to involved in other areas of the crime. I notice something while reading the note I cannot quite put my finger on it. I am staring at this note thinking there is something eerily familiar with this handwriting; I look down at my sandaled foot where a delicate tattoo donning the words “I love you”. These words, the words that my father and I said to each other the last time we saw each other before he died, but the writing on my foot which I had gotten the artist to make look exactly like my fathers on one of my birthday cards, was exactly the same. It even had the short, yet prominent tail on the “y”. I am just going to take it back to the lab at have it examined for when it was written, maybe he wrote it a long time ago, I have no idea but there is not a doubt in my mind that it is indeed my fathers handwri...

... middle of paper ... Connor comes up behind me and kisses my neck as tears roll out of my eye, he knows that this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. It was his suggestion anyway, he told me to write it down for generations come, as I am pouring out my disgruntled heart out onto these pages all I can think about is how I am supposed to tell my future children about their grandfather. Connor keeps telling me not to worry but he knows that I constantly fear our safety and my relentless killer of a father will eventually come looking for me. I know everything will eventually be all right but there is nothing that can get the look in my father’s eyes out of my head, the look of what am I doing with my life, the look of utter regret and sorrow. The look in my eyes of angst and pure rage as my dad tries to tell me that he didn’t mean to do what he did. The look of a liar.

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