The Ku Klux Klan

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The Ku Klux Klan

Throughout the years, there has been a tremendous amount of debate

concerning African Americans. The civil war was a land mark for

African Americans. Even though the civil war can be seen as a positive

aspect for blacks, many whites rebelled at the outcomes of the civil

war. In the recent years following the civil war many Americans became

frustrated as new laws quickly came into effect. Whites no longer

wanted to abide by these laws which in turn cause many hardships and

casualties for the blacks. The new laws concerned slavery and

integration of blacks and whites. The people from the south had to

accept these new slavery laws, even though they did not want to. This

one particular aspect regarding new slavery laws set a tremendous

amount of uproar between the Americans of the North and the Americans

of the South. The people of the North were very much against slavery

and the people of the South were in favor of slavery. This in turn

caused certain individuals to act out. This group of individuals is

known as the Ku Klux Klan, the KKK in common terms. This group felt as

if it was their duty to take a stand for their American rights.

In the small town of Pulaski, Tennessee, six confederate veterans

created a social club in the year of 1866, just one short year after

the end of the civil war. These six men believed that the only way in

America was the white way. Their mission was to spread white supremacy

throughout the South. Recently after their formation the social group

that these men had started quickly became authorized and took on the

name of the Ku Klux Klan. The name Ku Klux Klan comes from the Greek


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... period and then disappear. As

long as there are differences between people in this world, there will

always be hate. And the Ku Klux Klan will be there to feed on this

hate and exploit it in every way

possible. They may be silent for many years, but you can count on the

fact that they are there.

Works Cited

Axelrod, Alan. The International Encyclopaedia of Secret Societies and

Fraternal Orders. New York: Facts on File, 1997.

Chalmers, David, M. Hooded Americanism. Chicago: Quadrangle Books,


Encyclopedia Britannica. (2002). [Computer software]. Microsoft


Microsoft Encarta. (2002). [Computer Software]. Microsoft Corporation.

Stewart, John. L. KKK menace. New York: Basic Books.

Wade, Wyn Craig. The Fiery Cross of Ku Klux Klan in America. New York:

Simon and Schuster, 1987.

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