The Kite Runner Watan Quotes

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The Idea of watan is very necessary. Wattan means homeland in the middle east. The idea is very patriotic and loving towards culture and country. However in the middle east, they take the idea of wattan a little too far because it leads to horrific circumstances including rape. The novel defines watan through the respect shown to Baba, the traditions of sitting down together and eating, and the conservative thinking of Assef.

Respect is very important in the middle east. The people of that area demand respect for whomever visits their watan. In this novel , there is a prime example of people showing massive respect for each other. “ We rode in silence for about fifteen minutes before the young woman's husband suddenly stood and did something I’d seen many others do before him: He kissed Baba’s hand”( Hosseini 117). The novel shows how respectful people are in that area and shows a respectful image of watan.

Sitting down at the table to eat is a huge part of the culture in that area. In the United States you don’t see everyone sitting down together and eating. That time that they spend eating together creates a much healthier family and culture.” Inevitably, someone would bring a set of tabla and someone else a harmonium.Tea would brew, and whoever had a passing singing voice would sing …show more content…

The men of that watan are very conservative and old-minded. They feel like they are superior to everyone and especially people in a lower social class than them.”I've changed my mind…I'm letting you keep the kite, Hazara. I'll let you keep it so it will always remind you of what I'm about to do.' While his friends hold Hassan down, Assef rapes him”( Hosseini 73). Hassan was in a lower class than Assef and Assef wanted to show he is superior by raping him. The author portrays the water in a bad way this time to show how the men there acted in the past and sometimes still

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