The Kite Runner Cultural Analysis

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“The curious thing was, I never thought of Hassan and me as friends either.”(hosseini 30) There are many cultures around the world that could be described like precious animal species. They could go extinct if not preserved, and they need to be respected. In the kite runner it gives several perfect ways of how we can respect culture. It shows culture can be respected through everyday life, treating them like they were your own culture, and how we can value culture through the belief someone else puts into it.

You can respect cultur by the way respect is shown through everyday we live. “It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime, Amir.” (hosseini 142) In this it shows how we need to respect culture through the way it is shown, right after this quote the book explains that any action to a culture can affect it. So after this a boy lies about another boy of a different culture and the boy has to leave. This all goes to show how we should just respect culture so our actions today don't roll over into tomorrow.

You can respect culture by treating them like they were your own culture. In the kite runner towards the end the boy overcomes the racial tensions between him and his long lost friend so like a brother he goes on a wild adventure …show more content…

In the kite runner lots of beliefs whether right or wrong were strongly believed in and fought in. Such as that they should be a purebred people, or maybe how they needed a terrorist group to be formed to fight the russians. In the book it says ““It hurts to say that. But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.” (hosseini 58) This just goes to show that they didn't do lies they were very hard headed and all believed in things very strongly. In this it shows how their culture defines them and their culture lives through each and every one of

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