The Kite Runner: A Short Story

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The kites were twirling, wrapping around each other as if it were life or death, the survival of the fittest and in many cases, it was. The strongest and best kite shall be the one to prevail amongst all. As fewer and fewer kites suffocate the skies only several can keep up with the constant battering and tearing. As two kites remain it’s an intense battle against my red kite and a blue one. I feel my line getting more and more tangled as the wind picks up and shards of glass begin to wear away my string. Everything begins to come down around me and within seconds everything has gone wrong it was as if I were seeing in slow motion. The final strand, the final chance of redemption is lost with a swift cut, the result, my kite ascends into the air being carried by the wind and no longer under my control. I turn to face Hassan his neutral face opposing mine of shock, still as cool minded as ever Hassan runs to catch my kite a moment that is taken away as the kite lands into the hands of some neighbourhood kids. All my hopes begin to crumble away as I look up to see Baba wishing not to see the look of disappointment I dread but worse, as I turn towards him I am faced with an empty rooftop. He was gone so ashamed of me that he could bear no more, gone just like the potential for any future relationship.
I …show more content…

If I failed again I would be destroying that final strand of Baba’s and my relationship and just like last years kite with the one swift cut, one wrong action and it’s gone forever. I simply just couldn’t risk it not even for Hassan. Although Hassan seemed to understand he always understood me it was as if he were in my mind. Though it was things like this that I appreciated about Hassan, we could have a full conversation without the use of words but just a single glance, it was reassuring and

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