The Journey Of Siddhartha's Journey In Siddhartha

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Leaving his family and past behind, Siddhartha sets out on the path to enlightenment. In order to reach enlightenment to its purest point, Siddhartha follows a unique direction by going through his own path of life experiences, rather than the eightfold path. In 1922, the novel “Siddhartha” written by Herman Hesse takes place in 625 BC sharing the struggles of a young man, Siddhartha, reaching enlightenment. Throughout his journey three influential people stumble upon his path and teach him different aspects of life. Each situation he experiences has a specific reasoning and lesson behind it. There may be bumps in the road, but they are certainly pushing him towards his goal. He learns the ups and downs of life, whether he was experiencing …show more content…

Vasudeva offers Siddhartha a ride across the river in order to help him reach his destination. Along the way, travelling through time Vasudeva places a large amount of knowledge into the mind of Siddhartha. “…a very beautiful river… Often I have listened to it, often I have looked into its eyes, and always I have learned from it. Much can be learned from the river” (Hesse 49). Vasudeva teaches Siddhartha how to achieve patience by listening to the river. The love Vasudeva has gained for the river pushes him to carry on the importance of the words leaving the river. His love for the river became so large, due to all it has taught him. He is willing to share all he has been taught with Siddhartha in order to guide him in the direction he plans on following. Although many have seen the river simply as a blockade in their travels, Vasudeva gazes upon the river as though it has an abundance of wisdom and knowledge to share with all who cares to cross it. “I have taken thousands of people across and to all of them my river has been nothing but a hindrance on their journey…travelled for money and business… the river has been in their way and the ferryman was there to take them quickly across the obstacle” (Hesse 106). While embracing the words that escape the river into the mind and soul of others, Vasudeva instructs many people the …show more content…

She educates Siddhartha on the physical world and how it can raise the spirits of all in a physical way. “Advice? Why not? Who would not willingly give advice to a poor, ignorant samana who comes from the jackals in the forest?” (Hesse 56). Making the decision to lead him down the path of the physical world, Kamala changes her everyday lifestyle and becomes one of the many teachers that Siddhartha has encountered throughout his path. Despite her original placement of pity towards Siddhartha, due to his background with the samana culture. Kamala makes an interesting decision by placing Siddhartha in a position of work. Yet, in order to gain her acceptance, he must not follow, but become his own. “Kamaswami expects you to call on him… I had your name mentioned to him through others… I do not want you to be his servant, but his equal; otherwise I shall not be pleased with you… if you please him, he will place great confidence in you” (Hesse 59). Kamala sends Siddhartha to the richest merchant in town in order to adapt to his way of gaining power. Kamala expects Siddhartha to learn as Kamaswami’s equal, rather than simply following in his footsteps. She encourages this act in order for Siddhartha to gain confidence in not only himself, but his capabilities. Introducing Siddhartha to someone who is confident in what they are doing not only gives him an important role model to learn from,

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