The Jooads In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath

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The turtle portrays the joads in "The grapes of wrath" by expressing that they went through by showing their hardships and struggles. The turtle, just like the Joads, is trying to make its way through its life, but the turtle is unfortunate when walking across the fast-paced highway. But this can be justified of how an fortunate people in industries which did not care for the issues that the joads were going through an changing economy. Likewise, The turtle is also heading its way across the fast highway just how it moves on like the Joads do. It was smashed by those how were going by on the highway, and turned over itself and continue, just as the Joads are trying to do.
Next, As the turtle was beginning its journey, he was determined to "get to the other side". One example, it says," A red ant ran into the shell, into the soft skin inside the shell, and suddenly head and legs snapped in, and the armored tail clamped in sideways. The red ant was crushed between body and legs". Throughout the chapter, I realized how hard the turtle must fight to reach its destination. Therefore, the …show more content…

The turtle became shook at the fact the truck almost ran home over. It's shows that ," And now a light truck approached, and as it came near, the driver saw the turtle and swerved to hit it." This meant that the joads had a little problem that they stopped and solved the problem.
To conclude, During the 1930's, there was the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl drought left many southern families. John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath talks about the story of the migrant farmers’ travels and who wants met at their destination. But in a way the turtle protray on how the joads used to durring the Great Depression and struggled.The Grapes Of Wrath to convey attitudes of the migrant farmers as well as other people involved in and effected by the dust bowl migration of the

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