The Island At The Center Of The World Chapter 1 Summary

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The untold story of how America was shaped by the founding by the Dutch of what we today know as Manhattan. The book The Island at the Center of the World is a perfect example of how the founding of Manhattan started America. The story is broken up into three parts; “A Certain Island Named Manathans”, “Clash of Willis”, and “The Inheritance”. Each part goes into detail of the founding of what started America and the people who contributed the most to the beautiful country we call America. I feel the book is a great way to fully understand the way America began. Russel Shorto provides evidence that proves that Manhattan is what started America.
Russel Shorto describes in his book how America was originally created and the people who helped …show more content…

He chose to take Smiths path and ended up in Jamestown Virginia however he did not feel welcomed in Jamestown. Before Hudson froze to death a truce that was to last for twelve years was made between the Spain and the Dutch republic and had finally come to an end in the year 1621. Shorto continues the story by mentioning James I the reason Jamestown was named that, Peter Minuit who was the person to purchase Manhattan Island, Dr. Charles Gehring of the New Netherland Project and many more people. The purchase of the Manhattan Island is a topic that continues on in the first part. “So, the Manhattan purchase was roughly in line with other prices paid to Indians, and while it was considerably less, on a per-acre basis, than what the Dutch paid each other for land, it was in the same ballpark.” (57) With the purchase of Manhattan, we are able to get new information than we had before and we also ended a court case in 1663 that regarded the Dutch town Arnhem. As part 1 comes to and end we are introduced to Charles I the king of England the person who despised the Dutch. Charles was forced to be allies with the Dutch and soon began to see them …show more content…

Part two begins in September 1638 in Holland in a town called Leiden. The University of Leiden was created and one very important person to attend this school was Adriaen van der Donck in the year 1638. “He would play a decisive role in the creation of a great city and a new society.” (94) Adriaen was a young man with family who had stature in Breda which was in the hands of Spanish occupiers at the time. The Spanish started to gain more territory after the death of William the Silent, the hero of the Dutch revolt. This is when the Trojan horse filled with Dutch soldiers entered Breda and slid past the Spanish soldiers. The result of this was the recapturing of the town and the mission was called the turfschip van Breda which the man behind it all happened to be Adriaen van Bergen who was van der Doncks grandfather. Years later when van der Donck arrived at Leiden about one-third of the population was filled with refugees from religious persecution and also from wars. “In a century marked by religious war, Brownists, Baptists, Walloons, Huguenots, Fifth Monarchy Men, and Ashkenazic Jews came here, as well as to other cities in the Dutch Republic, to live and worship. A lot happened during the span of Van der Doncks life one of the main things being that the Dutch being the first to decorate their homes with maps. Also, the Dutch were the first

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