The Internet is a Blessing

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Ever imagined what the world was like before the internet was invented? Ever wondered how people managed before the invention of computers by Charles Babbage? Well take a look into the world of computers: a life saver that many persons rely on daily for their needs. Yes, it is the internet. The Internet is the largest information resource comprised of a network of hundreds of millions of computers located throughout the world (Johnson, 7). It consists of a set of computers, a set of physical (or wireless) links, and a set of rules or protocols governing the exchange of information between them (Pallen, 1422). The invention of the Advanced Research Projects Agency was one of the world’s largest networks (ARPANET) in 1969. It was one of the world’s first operational packet switching networks, the first network to implement TCP/IP and the progenitor of what was to become the global Internet (Kleinrock). The ARPANET served as the new era for many individuals as there was no longer a need to travel with the heavy burden of textbooks. Also, because the Internet is accessible to anyone, it is inexpensive and can be afforded by most. Not only is it used to research information and ideas, but it has also been proven to be a more rapid and efficient means of communication all around the world. Skillfully used, the internet reduces the world and brings information, expertise, and knowledge on nearly every subject imaginable to one’s computer. There is so much information that is derived from the internet, since it is updated every second with news from all over the globe. Worldwide, people have the ability to share information amongst one another clear and fast. Thus, connecting freely and this has enhanced the cultural and social interac...

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Johnson, Sara. Integrate The Internet Across The Content Areas. Huntington Beach: Corinne Burton, 2007.
Jones, Steve. Internet Goes to College- How Students are Living in the future with Today’s
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Kleinrock, Leonard. Brief History of The Internet. Reston: Internet Society, 2013.
McConnell-Schaarsmith, Amy. “Growing Number of College Students Choose Online Courses.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 16th Feb 2012: 1
Pallen, Mark. “Introducing the Internet.” BMJ: British Medical Journal 311 (1995): 1422- 24.

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