The Insanity Defense: Top 10 Cases Of The Insanity Defense

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I will be doing this 1000 word research paper on the insanity defense, the insanity defence (Mental Disorder Defence) is a defence by excuse in a criminal court, arguing that the defendant is not responsible for his or her actions due to an episodic or persistent mental disease at the time of the criminal act.

Some examples of the insanity defense is like if “Jim” killed “Tommy” and Jim said he only did that because he was mentally insane and instead of going to jail, Jim could go to an insane asylum and have the possibility to get out of the asylum and be a free person after Jim killed Tommy.

The top 10 cases of the insanity defence is absolutely crazy and I will be naming them in this essay.
#10 Anthony and William Esposito where …show more content…

He also stole many paintings that were worth $9,500, he was found guilty after pleading not guilty to the insanity defence but he was changed 14 years in death row then was killed by lethal injection. #1 Ed Gein was a very insane man who would dig dead people out of their graves and have sex with the dead bodies and skin them and where the skin like a robe and also made a belt out of womens nipples and occasionally would collect random body parts from his victims. He also made lampshades out of human faces. Ed Gein admitted to the crimes and to killing 3 people and was sentenced 11 years in a hospital and then the case was reopened and he was sentenced to a lifetime in a mental hospital.

The insanity defence i think is a bad thing because personally i don't care if your insane or not there is not reason to kill, rape, abuse, and kidnap just for fun.

The insanity defense is very rare in many crime cases because 95% of the judges will say that the insanity of that person is not enough to say that they did that crime because they were insane. So that was my 1000 word essay on The Insanity Defence that I learned a lot about and it was very interesting to find out what it was and what people has

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