The Influence Of Technology And Technology Alienation?

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Over the years there have been manifold transformations in the area of information and technology and with these the importance of such technological innovations has also increased. In the contemporary society technology has become an irreplaceable part of our lives and hence, whether we would like to admit it or not we have become dependent on it for most of our life tasks. There have been many technological innovations over the years which can be traced back to the invention of the telephones in the Victorian Era to the advent of internet around the time of the World Wars and to its contemporary avatar. All these advances in technology especially the invention of internet has caused people to become dependent on it for something as simple as shopping for groceries to booking holidays and undertaking huge financial transactions. This increased dependence on technology has lead us to interact with our computers and laptops more than people around us. …show more content…

To add to that, this alienation is not simply something that occurs in a social setting between people or in social interactions but also within a person and between a person and nature. Though this alienation is generally believed to be a direct result of technological advances but it also works as a catalyst that amplifies the negative impact of other life situations like in case of someone suffering from social anxiety whose social interactions may be further deterred by the ready presence of technology that can provide them an easy escape. Hence, it can be said that through all such interactions that technology has with the individual, the economy and the society at large impacts how individuals relate to others and by becoming a substitute for social interactions and fostering an increased dependence on it for even fundamental actions has inevitably increased alienation in the

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