The Influence Of Social Identity In Social Media

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Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all examples of popular social media outlets, which are used daily by the individuals of today’s society. They are used to connect with people from the past, distant relatives as well as current friends and family. Users are able to share with their friends and or followers everything about themselves through their online profiles. Things like date of birth, hometown, schools they have attended, current workplace, different interests and favorite things are all things found on Facebook profiles alone. However nowhere does it say that the information given by users has to be accurate. This being said, there are instances where people falsely advertise themselves by putting things online that are not one hundred …show more content…

The online photograph sharing, storytelling app has challenged the way people identify themselves. It has help raise the question of which identity is more important in today’s digital age? Self-identity is the “verbal conceptions we hold about ourselves and our emotional identification with these conceptions.” Social identity is the “expectations and opinions that others have of us.” (Kitzmann, Lecture 12) Instagram allows its users to post photographs of anything they choose, however at times these photos give people to challenge the idea of appearance versus reality. The use of photo editing apps is just an example of a way that users are able to fix the imperfections they see in order to make the picture “instagram worthy.” The appearance of the photograph is flawless when in reality it took several minutes (or hours) to take over fifty selfies and to edit the perfect one before it was considered for posting. This is how the app challenges hegemonic practices of beauty. In the fall of 2015, a model by the name of Essena O’Neil decided to quit instagram. For most people, they would assume that she deleted the app or deactivated her account; however she kept her account running only to re-caption her old pictures. O’Neil went back to her old posts and changed their captions, exposing all of …show more content…

This creates opportunities, with respects to class, gender, race and socio- economic status for its users. This is because; instagram does not possess an honesty policy that prevents its users from posting things that are not necessarily true about themselves. To the followers that do not know a lot about a person, they will not ever be sure how honest that person they are following is. Instagram users can post pictures of one hundred thousand dollar cars, with their hand on the steering wheel showing off their expensive jewelry and fresh manicure from the most prestigious salon in town. No one is going to know that the car does not belong to the person holding the camera, or that all the pieces of jewelry were actually gifts, and somebody else paid for the manicure. This is just one example of how one social media app is able to give someone a higher socio-economic stature by the post of a photograph. The photomap feature on the app gives users the opportunity to show their followers all the exciting places they have travelled to and

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