The Influence Of Michael Jordan

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Another person that has influenced me is an entrepreneur and retired professional Hall of Fame basketball player Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is not only a retired professional basketball player that went to the University of North Carolina but he also hosted a numerous of basketball camps to give children the opportunity to live out their dreams. Mr. Jordan stated. “If you 're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I 've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don 't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don 't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it” (“Quotes by Michael Jordan”). Ten years ago I came across a rerun of a Michael Jordan press conference telling the world that he is retiring from the NBA because his father was murdered and he had no longer love the game of basketball. I had always found Mr. Jordan basketball skills to be remarkable and had been very interested and why people praise him highly. I found Michael Jordan and his documentaries to be very enlightening and I love to watch videos of him play basketball because I wanted to be like him. I notice that he loves playing basketball because his documentary mentions he hates losing. Not only did Michael Jordan seem passionate about basketball, but he also talked about more than just basketball and hoping to educate younger people that he has dealt with adversity to get to the NBA. When he said that he did not love basketball …show more content…

Michael Jordan stated, “The media helps you become famous, but then they break you down bit by bit” (Lazenby 47). This is something I agreed with because of it I can push my track teammates to keep training hard and it will work out. Michael Jordan influenced me to educate people no matter how bad the adversity is, push through it and prove them

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