The Influence Of Charles Darwin's Voyage Of The Beagle

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The voyage of the Beagle was influential in many was, no more than it was important for Charles Darwin. The voyage of the Beagle lasted almost 5 years, starting on the 27 december 1831 and lasted to the 2 October 1836. The voyage of the Beagle was actually the second voyage of this ship. Its aim was to conduct hydrographic surveys and they sailed around the South of America as well as the Atlantic Ocean. The captain of the voyage was Captain Robert FitzRoy, he was the one who decided that Darwin would be suitable for the position on board.

Charles Darwin studyied at The University of Edinburgh Medical School. During his first year, he found it dull and boring so he didn’t attend to his studies as much as was desirable. In his second year …show more content…

At this time period he was not really well known for his geological work, or his naturalist work. However after the voyage returned he was well known for his geological work. Darwin specialised in the evolutionary patterns. Darwin believed that the voyage was ‘the first real education or trainig of my mind’ (Darwin, 2012, p. 37). It lead him to be able to study closely several branches of the natrual history of the places they visited. To some it woud seem that he was just examining the mess that would appear to be rocks and stones, yet these became to be the beginings of one of the most influentional evolutionists in the world. In Darwin’s autobiography he hints that the Voyage of the Beagle was one of his most pivotal moments which shaped his career …show more content…

However this is true, before he left on the voyage he was not recognised as being a geologist, however by the end of the journey he was recognised as a geologist. This voyage for him was the cruical point of his education. He subsequently became an evolutionist after the journey. He was also not educated in any form of geology, he was mainly to be the companion of the captain. He however was educated in medicine, however he wasn’t onboard because of this education. During the voyage he found that his love for the evolutionary ideas grew. He saw it as the way in which he gained his love for theorising. This is where many believe he started creating his evolutionary

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