The Importance of a True Friend

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“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart,” was one of the famous quotes of Eleanor Roosevelt. She designates a true friend as a person who affects your life so much that you cannot live without them. Life would be miserable without a true friend, with no one to talk to. A true friend is the entire Boy Scout’s Law: “A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” A friend in need is a friend indeed.
In The Chosen by Chaim Potok, two mortal enemies become best friends. The Chosen is a great book and teaches many key qualities about friendship. Reuven Malter, the narrator, plays in a baseball game against their rival team. In the rival team, one boy, Danny Saunders, is up to bat. Reuven throws a curve ball but Danny deliberately hits the bat so it goes right at Reuven’s face like a dart targeting a bull’s eye. As Reuven goes to the hospital, he starts to think about what happened and immediately has strong hatred for what Danny did. After spending a few days in the hospital, Danny shows up to apologize but Reuven reacts to his apology by verbally assaulting Danny about how crooked someone had to be to do what he did. Danny leaves after seeing Reuven’s boiling reaction. The next day Danny comes back to the hospital to apologize to Reuven again. This time Reuven does not overreact and continues to listen to Danny. A person who has the ability to go back to apologize even after making a big mistake and being yelled at, shows great bravery and courtesy. Reuvan eventually forgives Danny and they become best friends. Because of this incident, both characters become true friends. If this incident ha...

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...the letter. Hoover wrote back to Truman saying, “For all of this and your friendship, I am deeply grateful.” This true friendship between these two presidents shows that everyone even competitors on opposite sides can be a true friend.
Friendship is required to one’s life. It is your source of happiness and trust. The two main characters in The Chosen, Reuven and Danny, created true friendship toward each other even after the struggle they had between each other. Rahul and I, just like Reuven and Danny, had become best friends and will remain true friends for a long time. Harry Truman and Herbert Hoover had great respect for each other and were great friends despite their different political beliefs. True friends are hard to find, but it is said that a true friend is someone just like you. As Aristotle once said, “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

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