The Importance of Stem Cell Research

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Imagine a world where the diseases we know today are virtually eradicated, and where incurable injuries are a thing of the past. Even though this sounds like a science fiction movie, advances in modern science are making this statement more of a reality than a dream. This can be accomplished through stem cell therapy and cell differentiation. Stem cell therapy is like an intervention, in which new cells are introduced into the body or tissue in order to treat a disease or injury (Haldeman-Englet, Chad). Cell differentiation is the process in which a cell has the potential to become physically/fundamentally and functionally different from one another Also meaning they are pluripotent (Smith, S.E). These special cells have many uses, thus the nickname “The Golden Cell.” Scientists have been fascinated by stem cells for many years now, and why? What is so special about them? One: Their specific role in the body has yet to be determined. Two: Stem Cells can become almost any cell type. Three: Stem cells have the ability to proliferate almost indefinitely. Stem cells are now the centerpieces of regenerative medicine. This involves growing new cells, tissues, and organs to repair or replace those damaged by injury or disease (Knowles, Lori P.). All organisms started out as undifferentiated cells, which would then become one of the approximated 220 specialized cells. The key to making stem cells more viable for humans is by using donated eggs, which have had their own genetic material removed so that specific cells from diseased patients could be transplanted into the ovum. These eggs will then grow to an early stage where the cells are then removed. There would be no DNA match found to that of the donor. This process is called “Pati... ... middle of paper ... ...nowles, Lori P. “What Are Stem Cells and Where Do They Come From?” Stem Cell Network.2010. Retrieved 21 April 2011 <> ( “Stem Cell Basics” Stem Cell Information.2010. Retrieved 29 April 2011 Saenz, Aaron. “Stem cells used to grow hearts...” Singularity Hub. 2009. Retrieved 2 April 2011 Smith, S.E. “What is cell Differentiation?” Wise Geek. 2011. Retrieved 3 April 2011 ( “Theory of Transdifferentiation”2006. Retrieved 21 April 2011

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