The Importance Of The Camera In Our Life

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The camera certainly has a privileged relationship with us, documenting our lives accompanying us on holidays, trips, events chronicling childhood histories, are an essential piece of equipment ‘An event known through photographs certainly becomes more real than it would have been if one had never seen the photographs’ (Sontag, 1978:20)

Since Joseph Nicéphore Niépce produced the first known photograph of a vague view from the window of his study in 1826, our lives have been dramatically altered. Because of the camera both analog ‘chemical’ and digital, it is now feasible for us to see places, people and objects without even going to the destination of these focuses. We can receive all of the evidence from the photograph as if we were there.
Photographs have consistent strength in comparison to painting and drawings; the clarity of the photographic image can be as good as retinal attributes, art can range from a photographic like detail or creative interpretations. Subsequently the word photography originates from the Greek word, photo (light) and graphein (writing).

Would we be able to clearly be able to recall the events in our life successfully without a camera? Probably not, the brain remembers only what we deemed to be the information so the colour of the villa door in Spain 10 years ago? Or our old houses as an infant child these bit of memory decay. But the camera has the ability piece up the memory providing us with an indisputable trace “writing with light” meant we were only a click away from recording our own piece of embalmed time that we can keep giving more evidential value to our lives

Photographs are ultimately is something we gain pleasure or information from, whether its admiring pictures of our loved one...

... middle of paper ...’s association to the real continues to clout how digital and analog images are received. In this regard, digital photography is both distinctive from and rooted in the history of photography. But the development of digital technology should enable us to rethink prior disputes or assumptions about what the camera function really is it is essential in modern culture its what we use to record our lives its what we see on the cover of magazines and illustrating the news online.
Our reality is inconsistent and unpredictable, space and time is fluid, not static photographic techniques will develop over time, something that plays such an complex role in our lives has to keep up with us, maybe we should append suggestions about whether photography is dying or is not truthful enough analogue and digital doesn’t need to always be representative of the real.

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