The Importance Of Religious Intolerance In India

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Humankind established from one stem and divided into many roots. Yet, we have come so far that no longer we admire the fact that we are equal. Religious intolerance is a major rising issue worldwide in today’s society. A country where there this is increasingly becoming a problem in India. In India, the Hindu majority is hostile towards minority religions, particularly Muslims. There have been outbreaks of violence against Muslims in villages all over the country. It has gotten so bad that recently Bollywood actor Aamir Khan stated in an interview that, “my wife fears for her child due to the atmosphere around us and asked me if we should move out of India” (The Indian Express). The actor who breaks the Box Office record each year was bashed pretty badly through twitter because he raised questions about religious intolerance. People whom considered him an Indian till now, all of a sudden started calling him names and saying he should go live in Pakistan. Just like the actor, many others have been bashes for their comments or opinions. Religious intolerance is a major …show more content…

The terms make a big difference. In one of his speeches Modi stated,” my understanding is that they are doing injustice to the Muslims of our country, if anyone thinks Indian Muslims will dance to their tune, they are delusional. Indian Muslims will live for India, they will die for India – they will not bad for India,” Modi said in an interview to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria (The Indian Express). His Individual force has the power to eliminate the whole country’s propaganda. He makes great speeches that are never put into real action. When beef was banned in India, he let the ministers take their decisions. The poor man was given no justice. I feel as if he is provoking the one against the other. If he is saying they are not, why are they not given the equality

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