Presentation Title: Recycling: Why You Should Start
Topic: The topic of my presentation is over the need and importance of Recycling in our/your community.
Purpose: The main objective for my presentation is to show the audience what recycling is and how we can cut down on landfills.
Thesis statement: Recycling
I. Attention/Introduction
A. Attention getter (why they should care): Recycling is like exercise. We all need to do it.
a. First, I will begin by asking who recycles.
B. Audience-Topic Relationship: There are lots of reasons why you should make an effort to recycle as much as possible. Here are some good reasons why you should start.
C. Preview statement: Today, I am going to explain why you should start recycling
Transition into Body of Speech: Definition of Recycling- converts waste into reusable material (Webster).
A. Need
1. It cuts back on global warming. The world is starting to feel the effects of global warming. We should want to do whatever it takes to help our planet (Recycling).
2. It makes us more energy-efficient. It takes twice as much energy to ma...
In conclusion to this investigation one thing is clear and that is that recycling reeks benefits to the environment, Recycling material when compared to making material from raw material is a more efficient energy saving and more environmentally friendly way to reuse material that is usually consider as trash such as empty glass, and plastic bottles, or old newspapers. Recycling helps reduce the possible carbon emissions greatly and does reduce the human carbon footprint. But Recycling doesn’t resolve the pollution that is around the world today. Leading to new questions, questions like what about the landfills are they sustainable, and if so for how long. How long until the air becomes unbreathable? How long until Earth becomes its own furnace?
Reduce, recycle and recycle could be a construct that individuals area unit beginning to perceive and to use to each life round the world (GOV.UK, 2013). This knowledge base essay can explore info concerning use by totally different resources that are provided to use such as the web, books, journals and alternative resources that needs to offer American state info on use. This essay can discover use as business, environmental and policy perspective. Use is that the methodology by that we tend to recover valuable resources to be re-used once more and once more. However just one a part of healing the atmosphere, it's a sensible action that people altogether businesses participate in daily routines on recycling (Reclaim, 2013). While recycling is only one part to healing the environment it is a practical action that individuals in all businesses and people take part in every day.
If everyone recycled then there would be less need for new materials to be made out of unused resources; instead they would be made with recycled materials. Recycling saves a lot of natural resources because every time you turn something into the recycling center part of that is reused on a future product. In fact I read once, that each aluminum can that is recycled, a quarter of that is used on a new can. That twenty-five percent can add up in the long run. When people don't recycle that plastic bottle, aluminum can, or glass bottle that is in their trash can it is only used once and then is sent to a landfill just to take up space.
Many people believe that we should not recycle anymore, but this is not the case. We, the people of the world, need to continue to recycle because we do not want our children to grow up in a world where there are no certain species of animals due to recycling failures. We also do not want our children to grow up thinking that it is okay that they throw their garbage on the ground, and not have to pick it up. We need to teach our children that they need to take care of the earth that they are living on, because they only get one. Recycling is one of the most beneficial environmental issues that we have here on this earth. Recycling saves energy, limits pollution and supports several environmental factors of the economy. “In 2003, the savings from recycling 54 billion aluminum cans exceeded the energy equivalent of 15 million barrels of crude oil- or the amount of gas the U.S. uses in one day,” according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA estimates that 200 million gallons of used oil are not disposed of properly, and if we were to dispose the oil properly then we could keep the oil from polluting the ground and the fresh water source. According to E. Takatori, “… While on-going societal regulation treats material recycling as the dominant cycle, the properties of recycled plastic remain the most port
Today, recycling is mainly about maintaining and taking care of our environment. This may not seem to be a big thing, but it is. The motto reduce, reuse, and recycle is a common motto used when it comes to recycling. While some people say that the best method is to reuse our wastes, this often cannot be done for the simple fact everybody will not commit to it. We throw out around 2,000 pounds of trash per household each year.
I. There seem to be some background points I must go over before I can properly persuade you to recycle; this includes definitions and standard waste makeup.
I think that requiring people to recycle would make a huge positive impact on the environment and people’s lives. I believe recycling isn’t something people should just consider doing, I believe it is there duty to do it. There are many benefits to recycling including, the reduction in landfill sizes, less pollution occurring from the rotting products in the landfills, less energy consumption, and money saved. The refusal to recycle is not only hurting us as people, it’s hurting the earth, the place we call home.
Most importantly, it saves lives. We should all learn the importance of recycling. For example, some sea lions won?t get stuck in plastics if we recycle. We would also breathe better air. We can recycle and aluminum can and put it back on the shelf for something useful. If we just leave it in the landfill, it?ll decompose and it?ll be of no use. It?ll also reduce pollution or else it?ll make a new one.
Persuasive Speech Outline Speech Topic: More recycling should be encouraged. Orgranization Pattern: Three Arguments Introduction Attention Getter and audience relevance: How many of us actually recycle? The unfortunate answer is not nearly enough. People say there’s no difference if i recycle or it's not worth the effort, but the long term effects of recycling could save our planet in the future.
Focus of Essay In 21st century America it is hard to avoid such buzzwords as sustainability, eco-friendly, and going green, to name a few. One of the most common words seen today is “recycling.” After I asked several of my family and friends, “What do you think of when I say the word recycling?” I discovered that the word “recycling” carries certain connotations and perception.
Some people say recycling is a waste of time. If one is a very busy person, then maybe. But taking that extra two seconds to recycle, saving energy, money, resources, and the world isn’t a bad plan either. If everyone would take the extra two seconds to recycle, the extra effort would help to make the world would be a much cleaner and more efficient place. Recycling could also help to lower taxes in the long run. Recycled materials have value, and trash costs money. A city recycling program could sell it and make money. Then, with the extra money, the city wouldn’t have to charge as much money on taxes. Now how does those two extra seconds sound now? One can better the place they live in and save some money by taking two extra seconds to recycle.
Recycling is important in the effort to preserve our environment for future generations. We are running out of locations to put landfills. Recycling is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of waste stored in landfills, yet many people do not know how easy it can be. For example, whenever I go to Shoprite® and I b...
Therefore, recycling can protect natural resources, preserve energy and lessen pollution. If people want to save planet Earth for generations to come, then recycling is necessary. On, the question “Should there be mandatory recycling?” was asked and 84 percent said yes, while only 16 percent said no (“Should There Be Mandatory Recycling”). Recycling is very important to the planet and can make a huge difference in so many ways. Recycling is a way of life and once a person has made the choice to follow through with the steps, recycling can become second nature. Every small contribution adds up to how the society shapes the Earth’s future. How will someone make a difference?
While walking through the park last Sunday, I observed a shocking scene. There were two cans: one for recycling and one for trash. The recycling receptacle had only an empty Dr. Pepper can and a few used Ozarka water bottles. On the other hand, the trash can had a plethora of half eaten meals, wrappers, banana peels and disgustingly even bottles, cans, newspapers and plastics that could have been recycled. Because people do not understand or do not care to understand about conserving our resources, many reusable items are being put in landfills when recycling these items could help save the environment. People should know the negative impact of throwing away a water bottle or newspaper, purchasing meat from the grocery store or consuming gasoline has on the environment, and many do not. By informing society about how their decisions affect the environment, we can help save our planet and change our attitude toward the land we live on, the water we drink and the air we breathe” and truly show respect for the stuff that we depend on.
Lots of people consider recycling to be kind of a no-brainer, something we all should do. It’s good for the environment, it re-uses materials rather than creates new ones, it reduces landfills -- the list goes on and on. But one major benefit that people often overlook is the impact recycling programs can have on a community.