Assigning the precise amount of network capacity in the right place at the right time is no simple task. Network Planners cannot afford to overbuild, as this would consume scarce investment resources that could be better used elsewhere. They also cannot delay expansion as this may result in poor service to customers and under-utilize other network assets. A balanced approach is needed in order to meet the rapidly growing and changing traffic demands. Advanced network planning and design software provides benefit to network planners in the following ways:
1) Advanced Network Planning provisions effective utilization of all network resources affecting network capacity, including both physical and logical constraints, network configuration, IP addresses and all types of network elements. Capacity Planning tools help to predict and avoid resource and capacity shortages.
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Network planning upon successful implementation offers hybrid IT and cloud solutions, end-to-end network services including network infrastructure consulting and design, implementation, and operations and maintenance services for any size organization.
4) A critical part of network planning involves setting up of security mechanisms. Deploying the network with security configuration provides superior visibility, continuous control and advanced threat protection across the extended network. Additionally, security procedures define policies to monitor the network for securing critical data, obtain visibility, mitigate threats, identify and correlate discrepancies.
5) System design in a data center network provides the tools for addressing the challenges that occur with expansion of data center infrastructure. This includes support for the rapid growth of applications and their data and storage bandwidth, managing and modifying data storage requirements, optimize server-processing resources and access information
The major savings were planned through the convergence of the voice traffic over the IP data network. The first step in that plan was to build a global network that supports the Quality of Service (QoS) necessary for VoIP traffic. Since the primary partner in this project is Cisco System, which supports VoIP through their range of products called Architecture for Voice, Video, and integrated Data (AVVID), the design is largely reliant on this technology (Cisco AVVID, 2002). The network consists of a switched core that delivers multiple megabytes of bandwidth to a ...
...vantage of the overall network design and implement usable subnets with virtual local area networks. Use encryption and encapsulation to secure communications of public segments to enable extranets and cross-Internet company traffic. Use items such as intrusion detection systems and firewalls to keep unauthorized users out and monitor activity. Taken together, these pieces can make a secure network that is efficient, manageable, and effective.
Planning is an essential process in today’s organizations. Based on the three types of managers: top-level (strategic managers), middle-level (tactical managers), and frontline (operational managers), exist three corresponding levels of planning: strategic, tactical, and operational. The purpose of this essay is to focus on the strategic level of planning for the Ford Motor Company; a leader in the global automobile industry. Strategic planning, according to Bateman and Snell (2009), “involves making decisions about the organization’s long-term goals and strategies” (p. 137). This paper will elaborate on six key influential factors: economic, environmental, competition, foreign policy, domestic policy, and innovation; that shape this corporation’s strategic plan. Finally, a SWOTT analysis will be conducted covering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends, that the Ford Motor Company has in relation to its business environment.
It is difficult to discuss the principles of the logical design without first discussing the importance of planning and analysis. After all, the goal of initial network planning is to ascertain enough information to create the logical network design proposal. Logical design begins by determining the need of the users. How does the business use a network to share information? What services does the network need to provide? What resources are needed? What are the requirements for network protocols, applications, performance, and security? These are the most important questions to consider in the beginning stages of design.
References - a community of people. The. Picking The Right Spot For A Data Center? Retrieved on March 10, 2011 from Kuma.
However, in some cases we need to develop strategies for them to improve their efficiency, improve their machinery, install backup generation, etc. In these scenarios, a team is developed with the consultant being the project manager or point man. Therefore, these projects require the four functions to be followed so we can develop the best possible solution. The first function used is “Planning”, which allows us to outline a strategy catering to the specific needs of our client. The “Planning” function also gives us a time table on how long the project will take to complete, who needs to be involved, and how we expect to accomplish each goal.
Within an organization, different types of planning are necessary to help establish the visions and goals a company has. Strategic and operational planning is essential for the success of a business. For example, Sports Authority has recently filed for bankruptcy, which is likely due to a lack of planning skills. With the addition of strategic and operational planning, the risk of going bankrupt could be significantly reduced. The many planning steps and strategies involved in these types of planning are what eventually produce the most success.
Planning can be used to help the organization map out a way to efficiently achieve their goals. The beginning of the planning process should include analyzing of the current situation. From this information the company can determine the goals and start to outline the steps that need to be taken to ensure that the goal will be met. Other planning activities that should be completed are determining the company’s objectives and were they want to be in the future. This will help them to choose their business objectives and strategies. In addition, the company should look at the resources that they have available and determine if they are sufficient to achieve the organizations goals.
The requirement of end-to-end congestion control,and requirement of router mechanisms in network to identify and avoid unresponsive and high bandwidth best effort flows in times of congestion.
When the logical design of a network is planned, an engineer will generally map out the logical layout and addressing of the network. This allows the person to picture the topology of the network and the addressing scheme that will be used amongst the network devices. Information must be gathered about several important factors before the logical design of the network is started. For example, depending on the services that will be provided to users, you may need to analyze the possible traffic patterns that might result from your plan. Locate potential bottlenecks and, where possible, alleviate them by providing multiple paths to resources or by putting up servers that provide replicas of important data so that load balancing can be provided. You need to determine who the clients are and what their actual needs will be. Distinguish between novice and power users. The services that will be provided on the network should also be determined during the logical planning stage. They may be limited by a scope, s...
Corporate Networks in organisations can be complex structures that “requires a great deal of attention” (Clemm 2007). Even small companies can have quite complex networks that are a considerable investment to the business. The notion that corporate network management is a cost to a business rather than a continual beneficial investment is a naive assumption that requires further investigation to the benefits that network management brings. Clemm (Clemm 2007) states in his text that the ultimate goal of network management “is to reduce and minimize total cost of ownership”, improving operational efficiency and lowering cost. Clemm (Clemm 2007) also notes that “Network Management is not just related to cost and quality”, which will be an continual concept presented throughout the report. The report will address key issues with corporate network management and ultimately argue and justify that corporate network management must be seen as a positive benefit to the business and not as a continual expense. The supporting articles will also provide sound evidence that networking is crucial to a business’s processes and production which can be seen from the OpenSSL Heartbleed Security vulnerability fiasco (Nieva 2014) or the QANTAS Amadeus system failure (Heasley 2012).
Strategic planning has a focus on stabilizing the current environment, and it also support the organization's business plans and goals. Strategic planning helps to implement new projects, new technology, consolidation of data centers, data warehouses, exponential data growth, cost of ownership, and resources available in an organization to assess the future requirements. Strategic planning analyzes the business plan, potential blockage or other issues in the current architecture, processes and their implementation in new initiatives, and processes. Strategic planning helps to formulate the ideas about the key factors that are affecting the present and future development of the organization and the opportunities offered by the environment and the competence of the organization.
Understanding network topology can tell one a great deal about installing or expanding a network. At its basic level, the topology of a network refers to the way in which all its pieces have been connected. That is, it refers to the layout of the computers, printers, and other equipment hooked to the network (TechTarget 2006). Because cables connect computing resources together for a network, network's topology is also a function of the way in which the cabling is organized, whether it is arrayed in three basic physical topologies available to LAN designers:
The network management plan and security plan is important to help the company figure out how they will improve its network and security procedures for the company. Planning involves outlining objectiv...
CSC: Next Generation IT Infrastructure, Services & Solutions. (2014, April 3). Retrieved May 1, 2014, from