The Importance Of My Interest In Teaching

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In this paper, I will be discussing about my interested in teaching. What I hope to accomplish in my years of being a teacher. I will also begin discussing how I would serve has a positive role model in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Some of the things I can contribution has a teacher is my time. Three expectations that parents believe of me has a teacher include is that I can teach their kids what they need to learn. I will also be talking about different ways to keep up in my career field as a teacher. Furthermore, I will be talking about the knowledge, skills, and attitudes are important for student success in my discipline. Lastly I will be talking about different methods to educated to my students. The reason why I am so interested in teaching is because I want to be able to help students with disability. I want to be able show my students different ways to study for quiz and test, and I also want to be to show them different ways to stay organized in school and out off school. I Also want to help my students to keep motivated in school and not to give up on homework, test and life. Life can get hard for some kids trying to balance with home life , school, sport, and a job. I just want to make sure my students can just keep up with it …show more content…

What I hope to accomplish in my years of being a teacher. I also how I would serve has a positive role model in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Some of the things I can contribution has a teacher is my time. Expectations that parents believe of me has a teacher include is that I can teach their kids what they need to learn. I will also be talking about different ways to keep up in my career field as a teacher. I talked about the knowledge, skills, and attitudes are important for student success in my discipline. About different methods to educated to my students. This is my philosophy on teaching

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