The Importance Of Language In Science

647 Words2 Pages

Language provides many different systems to the world. It is a form of communication for humans and species. There are many forms of language spoken across the world and these are not limited to just one spoken languages. Language provides a social context, in addition to bringing sound and symbol to the community. It helps humans identify with one another in a cultural group setting and allows for constructing meaning through speech as well as writing. Language progresses through time because it does not stay the same, but evolves with the community. Languages in sciences incorporate a literal interpretation and involve facts, while languages in religion incorporate a spiritual and meaningful point of view.
Languages in science focus on interpretation and facts. Sciences use languages for interpretation of data. Scientists tend to take the literal approach because they apply scientific method to languages. Scientists use observation and experiments to ask and answer their scientific question. An example is scientist Lamarck, who believed “change took place as a result of natural events, not through the intervention of God.” Another example is Darwin because he presented the theory of natural selection and descent of modification. Both scientists presented their findings with given data and information, which is important for languages. The scientists’ goal has not been to sway people in reading, but to give facts that would allow them to come to term with their own conclusions based on the facts presented. Facts allow the scientist to observe and relay that information without emotional attachments or biases. The way facts and information differs from religion is it based on empirical data only and limiting factor in science...

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.... Religion develops this belief based on faith. It is up to the person to exercise and trust the faith. Even though there is no proof to validate their point like in the Science, a person can still see the effects. Languages in religion bring more internal experiences to its meaning.
In the end, both language in religion and science present two different views. Science tends to present a more literal standpoint. It allows scientists to present their findings without biased views filled with emotions. Religion uses facts as a way to express beliefs. Religion is based more on an emotional and spiritual aspect. The terminology is more persuasive than language seen in science. Languages in science incorporate data interpretation by using facts to convey its message without bias, while languages in religion incorporate meaning to bring a spiritual view to the audience.

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