The Importance Of Kyoto Protocol

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Whether Kyoto protocol was unsuccessful, but, there are some countries that has been successful in implementation of Kyoto protocol. There are Germany, Sweden, and United Kingdom, as well as United Nations members. Besides, it was indicates that European Union (EU) have agree in joining a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 (UNFCCC, 2014). In addition, EU was strongly support the establishment of Kyoto protocol into the convention and, makes recognition of Kyoto treaty as the competitive international instrument and politic agenda in addressing any emerging issues of climate change (Lal Kurukulasuriya, A, N., Gilbert, and et al., n.d.).
Therefore, through the three countries that have been succeed in their implementing of Kyoto protocol, each countries has own goal and strategies in make it become true with the expanding of the economic sector that can reduced and make a planning to still continue in reducing their Greenhouses Gases (GHG) emissions. Basically, the most reductions GHGs among the members of Kyoto Protocol are in the eastern European countries, which it has been reductions with a larger percentage amounts. This is due to the disintegration of Soviet Union when their economies has been collapsed. This is because, according to the Miller, 2012, “Soviet Union was been collapsed in 1990s, and in the same time the greenhouses gases emissions was also been dropped during the economic declined in Soviet Union”. However, for United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden, they was reduced their GHG emissions with the line of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grows.

Country GDP (BN$US) % Chg. GHG (Mt CO2e) % Chg.
1990 2005 1990 2005
991.1 2,226.3 124.6% 776.1 657.4 -15.3%
1,714.4 2,78...

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...cally could be as a one of the market environmentalism conceptualized. U.S positions is for making an analytical purpose that thoroughly straightforward, as well as single nation-state, that today’s it was already become a hegemony power around the world.

Furthermore, European Union was strongly supported and quantified the reductions of emissions gases because, it is the way to fight climate change. In addition, EU also found a regulatory solutions of climate change. Therefore, it has developed its environmental policy that needed a member states to follow. Environmental policy was consist the basic of making a regulations, addressing the problem of climate change, and also depending on the regulations process. Hence, EU environment goals has been inspired by the needed for make a preventing rather than cure in solving any climate change problems that occurred.

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