The Importance Of Internet Privacy In The Internet Age

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Privacy in the Internet Age

Abstract—The importance of the security is quite crucial for people’s personal rights and their privacy. Thus, in this essay we examined the security of Internet and we went through some details about the history, current time and the future insights to explain how Internet and its privacy has evolved. With some analyses and examples we aimed to touch some important points.
Keywords—Privacy, security
TERM privacy has been defined as “someone’s right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret” and
“the state of being alone” [1]. Hence, we can say that the privacy is people’s capability to have a certain distance to other people or certain ability to protect their information to be seen by others.
When we …show more content…

A service provider store this information to its system and handle as it sees appropriate. There are many examples where users are voluntarily sharing the private information and thus sacrificing their privacy, such as Facebook,
Google, Youtube, so forth. While most of users find this kind of privacy trading acceptable if it is done as they want, it is highly possible that application default settings are set by service providers so that it compromise a user privacy big time.
There are several ways to enhance privacy of a person.
(i) A user should understand what are possible protection mechanisms and make reasonable effort to protect his/her assets and thus privacy. (ii) Service providers should make privacy settings more unambiguous and set default setting so that it is more safe for a user. Furthermore, service providers should provide more openly “a right to be forgotten” [20], thus allow users to remove their information from the digital systems so that anonymity and privacy can be retained.
There are several initiatives to gain better understanding and control of privacy. For example, Rajbhandari and

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