Social Media: Altering Traditional Communication Strategies

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Communication. Most people nowadays would say a phone is primarily their main source of communication. But, if we go back even just a couple of generations ago, the only form of communication was face-to-face, and it was very personal. The difference between the two is that one involves physical emotion, while the other is all electronic connection. That’s what social media has done to today’s society; it’s made phones the dominant form of communication. There is an undeniable difference in the way the two interactions effect people. It’s easy to sit behind a 6 by 3 inch screen and say things that would be otherwise difficult if it were a physical interaction. It’s provided almost a safe haven for people who don’t like going out and associating …show more content…

One area social media has affected particularly heavily is our communication. More and more communication has turned into text messages or in social media cases: snaps, DM’s (Direct Messages on twitter), or Facebook messages. According to, over 85 percent of ADULTS are Internet users and 67 percent are smartphone users ( This isn’t even counting the children. We have lost touch with real social interaction, even on a large-scale basis. There are now multiple apps/sites that allow people to work on group projects that would normally require all people to gather at a certain location to discuss and work personally. One, Google Classroom, is even used as a part of schooling now. At my high school in Illinois, it was used as a main way of doing projects or slideshows. We could easily take time out to meet with each other but that never happened because some didn’t want to be social. This ended up coming back to be a negative thing because the projects before, where physical interaction occurred, received higher grades than the so-called more useful Google Classroom. It gave my classmates a technology excuse. Almost everyone …show more content…

Whether we like it or not, we have to accept it into our world. Besides the bad things there are benefits it provides. It can be a very useful tool in life. It does allow one to connect and keep in touch with people he/she never imagined they’d see again. It does allow people to meet up and socialize more often than ever. However, most of the time its not being used like it’s supposed to, and that’s where the problems arrive. It depends on us to make sure we use it for the right

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