The Importance Of Being Earnest Journal

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The Importance of Being Earnest Journal

The Importance of Being Earnest gets its comedic aspect from the ridiculous characters and how they view earnestness as opposed to ‘Ernestness”. For example the main struggle of the characters is that they are more concerned with the fact that they are Ernest, not that they are particularly earnest. In Oscar Wilde’s play, Jack and Algernon, the two men in the story, face the challenge of appearing Ernest and earnest in front of their love interests, both of whom only want to marry each of the men because their name is earnest. There are also funny characters such as Lady Bracknell who represents the flaws and the ‘un-earnestness’ in society at the time. Oscar Wilde did an excellent job writing this …show more content…

This makes the characters humorous, but it also makes them seem hypocritical because if they are lying about their names then they aren’t being earnest. On page 10, after suggesting to Gwendolyn, Jack asks her “But you don’t really mean you couldn’t love me if my name wasn’t Ernest?”. In response Gwendolyn says she couldn’t, she must marry a man named Ernest. This is extremely funny because his name shouldn’t affect Gwendolyn’s decision in the first place, and in the second place shouldn’t she prefer him to be earnest? Jack must sacrifice his honesty, his earnestness in order to appear Ernest for Gwendolyn’s affections. Similarly later in the book both Algy and Jack attempt to be christened in order to remain Ernest. On page 42 Algernon says “I have just made arrangements with Dr.Chausable to be christened at a quarter to six under the name of Ernest”. Here you can see Algernon is clearly not being truthful to himself, the priest, and formerly to Cecily, or earnest in his wishes to be christened. If this was real life all of these actions would seem highly ridiculous, but in Wilde’s time and with these extreme characters it appears highly

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