The Impact of Sports on Society

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The FIFA World Cup is a global spectacle that captures the attention of millions of people every four years. More than 200 nations are members of FIFA and they compete for the honor of being worthy to play for the Cup. There is no second place, and there are no consolation prizes. It is the ultimate dream of all football players to hold the golden cup as a champion of the world. As the largest sporting event in the world, the World Cup embodies the best attributes that lead people to love the sports they watch and play. Sports stimulate national economies, lead people to experience other cultures through international competitions, and promote world peace by bringing nations together in friendly competition. Even though some people disagree with these points by assuming sports are a waste of money, put athletes at risk due to injuries and while playing in other nations, and causing disagreement between countries. Evidence will be provided to show that sports have a positive impact on society. Sports stimulate national economies when there is an event hosted within the country. When countries come together, they help the host country’s economy. A few examples of this are the World Cup and the Olympics. The World Cup is one of the most influential events which benefits the economy where the event is being held. Sports being played within the country contribute to the economy as well. American football is a sport which contributes to the American society because it brings a lot of fans, and the fans will do anything in order to be a part of that culture. To bring the people together there has to be advertisement and when both come together, the economy starts to grow because everyone is cooperating. Although this is positive... ... middle of paper ... ...s one of the events that brings people together and promotes world peace. It does not matter which country is involved, what type of culture is involved or what skin color a person has. All the international affairs are forgotten during this event. In the article 2002 FIFA World Cup and Its Effects on the Reconciliation between Japan and the Republic of Korea says that “the role of sports in building peace is proven in history”. What this is saying is that not only soccer but other sports have promoted peace throughout the world but ping pong has also promoted peace to the world. An example of ping pong is when China and the US came close in a match in the 1970s. One example of how the World Cup has created peace was in 2002 when Japan and the Republic of Korea created new relations after the “going through a painful process of reconciliation since World War II”.

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