Iran's Islamic Revolution: A Rebellion Against Westernization

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The Islamic revolution in Iran came from discontent for westernization and secularization in Iran. It was the Iranian supporters of Khomeini rebelling against shah and his westernized approach and dictatorship of the country. The Iranian felt as if Iran’s leader the Shahan shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Aryamehr was too westernized and was contaminating Iran with modernization and also creating a separation of democracy and religion. Also, powerful and entrenched groups in Iran did not like how shah imposed his westernize reforms (Goldschmidt, 2013). They were also dissatisfied with the allowance of United States interference or influence to curb the groups they viewed as blocking Iran’s modernization. This included landlords, ulama and bazaar …show more content…

The Islamic revolution was the result of discontent for westernization and modernization in Iran. The people felt as if shah was imposing a society contaminated with westernized influences, and straying from culture and religion. This seems to be a common trend in other revolutionary movements. It seems as most revolutionaries are a result of a want or need to change an injustice. It is created on the basis or ideation of an injustice or a need for change within the society, politically or economically. It is usually led by thinkers, educators, prestige leaders, as seen with Khomeini. However, unlike other revolutionaries, the Islamic Revolution differs because religion actually played a prominent role. Although other revolutions came as a result for change between the separation of religion and state, the Islamic revolution was based off the ideologies of a religious leader. He wanted to restore religion back into politics, and thought the Shia lacked religious and cultural foundations, and weened away toward a modernized and fundamental society. Khomeini’s intent was to restore Iran, and remove the contamination brought by westernized influences. It also is not looking for the rights of all Iranian people, but those of Sunni or Islamic faith. When other revolutions included the majority of people, The Islamic Revolution excluded, and discriminates against the Shia (Nasr, 2007).

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