The Impact Of Rene Descartes Meditation On First Philosophy

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René Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who is dubbed the father of modern western philosophy, much of subsequent Western philosophy is a response to his writings, which are studied closely to this day. In Meditation One of Rene Descartes’ Meditation on First Philosophy, he says that he had discovered so many false beliefs and opinions which he had always thought of to be true. And because of all these false believes, he came up with some principle which would help him and those who would listen to him. One of his principle was “never to accept anything as true that he did not plainly know to be such, that is to say, carefully to avoid hasty judgment and prejudice and to include nothing more in his judgments than what it presented itself to his mind so clearly and so distinctly that it leaves no doubt. “ (Descartes 18). Descartes main goal was to find, beyond dispute, the truth and certainty of almost everything. Descartes divided his method of doubt into different categories which were; perceptual illusion, the dream problem, and a deceiving God. …show more content…

He however says that he noticed that senses are sometimes deceptive and that it is a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust in those who have deceived Descartes even gives some examples of how senses can be deceiving. Sticks can look bent in water when half-submerged, and big things may look.(meditation on first Philosophy 18) I think Descartes was whole theory was that ours senses can be very helpful and sometime accurate, but because our senses can be doubted, they cannot be the foundation of building certainty or true

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