On January 23, 2014, Michael Morones, an 11-year-old from Raleigh, North Carolina, attempted to take his own life by hanging himself. This attempt failed, and he is now in the hospital with severe brain, heart and lung injuries. Why did he try to take his own life? Michael is a huge fan of My Little Pony and is a proud member of the Bronies, or Bro-Ponies club. He has been made fun of and taunted by his classmates for this reason. He was told that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, but that didn’t stop it from bothering him and leading him to attempt suicide. This isn’t the only incident that has happened. In grades 6-12, 28 percent of students say they have experienced bullying; 20 percent of them being in grades 9-12 alone (Bullying Definition). Bullying has been and will continue to be a major problem around the world; it creates many problems for everyone involved.
Bullying has many definitions. Each person defines it differently based on what he or she believes. Some people believe that bullying is an attempt to control someone. Others believe that bullying is just students causing pain to their peers. To me, bullying is putting others down to make the bully feel better; it is causing unnecessary pain for unacceptable reasons.
There are many types of bullying. The most common type is verbal. Verbal bullying includes threats, name calling, and taunting. Verbal bullying can be said or even written down. Even though it isn’t physical pain, it still cuts deep on the inside.
Social bullying, also known as relational bullying, is when others spread rumors, cause embarrassment, attack someone with words or exclude someone by ignoring him or her or telling others to ignore that person.
Physical bullying is when things star...
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.... Web. 25 Mar. 2014.
"Safe & Supportive Minnesota Schools Act." Safe Schools Bill. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.
"Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD Symptoms, Survivor Guilt and Trauma Caused by Bullying, Harassment, Abuse and Abusive Life Experiences What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? How Do I Recognise the Symptoms of PTSD? How Do I Recover from PTSD?Updated 4 November 2005." Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (complex Ptsd, Pdsd, Shell Shock, Nervous Shock, Combat Fatigue), Symptoms and the Difference between Mental Illness and Psychiatric Injury Explained. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.
Wallace, Meri. "How to Raise a Happy, Cooperative Child." 7 Ways Schools Can Prevent Bullying. N.p., 4 Dec. 2012. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
"Why Do People Bully?" - Bullying Statistics. N.p., 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
The current definition of bullying, according to stopbullying.gov, is “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is reappeared, or has the potential to be repeated over time” (Bullying Definition).... ... middle of paper ... ...
Phoebe Prince is a name some of us might not know or remember, but in 2010 her name and picture were everywhere. Phoebe Prince was an Irish immigrant who moved to South Hadley, Massachusetts. In her new high school she was the subject of malicious bullying by her classmates, both at school and online. This bullying would eventually drive Phoebe to hang herself. Bullying in schools and online has become a serious problem in our country. . According to cyberbullyinghotline.com, 20 percent of those cyberbullied think about committing suicide, while 1 in 10 victims attempt it. With rates like this, the question left to be answered is, when is bullying “just kids being kids “,
DeLeHunt, Michael. "Bullying: What to Do About It; Myths and Facts About a Problem That Can Occur Anywhere, Any Time." Florida Times Union, 4 Sept. 2013. eLibrary. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.
Bullying by definition is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions. [Why] Bullying has grown new outlets over the last decade. With social media outlets and text messaging added to the game, bullying is not just about getting tormented face to face anymore. Cyber bullying can include sending out mean or threatening emails and instant messages about a person, spreading rumors about someone and also include photos that a person would consider to be humiliating. [Chamberlin] Bullying can have many outlets. The most common form of bullying is still face to face confrontation. But the other outlets, such as cyber bullying are definitely not something to take lightly or consider low on a scale of importance. Sexual harassment, racial differences, not being “cool enough”, or just simply being viewed as a weaker individual may attribute to many of the reasons a person is preyed on.
Bullying is a growing concern in a society where status and exercising power over another human being are increasingly important in developing one’s social circles. Dan Olweus (Norwegian researcher and founder of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program) defines it as an “aggressive behaviour that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power. Most often, it is repeated over time” (Violencepreventionworks.org). School victimization is an especially delicate matter that has only really been in the public eye for the past half century, as more and more researchers and psychologists pointed out its short- and long-term negative effects on targeted individuals. It has since been widely investigated and numerous programs have been developed in an effort to address and prevent the many forms of bullying that exist today. The negative effects of such an abusive behaviour are various and can greatly differ from individual to individual. However, there are three main consequences that can be associated with school bullying, which are: school avoidance, depression/anxiety and even suicidal attempts.
Bullying has been a part of schooling for as long as children have been congregating. To some it seems like a natural, though uncomfortable, part of life and school experience, while to others it can mean terrifying experiences which spoiled and characterized otherwise happy years in school. Dan Olweus, a pioneer in bully behavior research documented that 2.7 million children are affected as victims, and that 2.1 children act as bullies (Fried, 1997, as cited in Aluedse, 2006). With bullying cited as the reason for violent, gun-related crime in the past few years, school districts as well as national governments have put anti-bullying policies in place. Bullying is a complicated phenomenon, involving more than one child demanding lunch money from a smaller child. It is a worldwide epidemic hitting schools everywhere. Virtually everyone has seen or experienced bullying. With technological advances, bullying is even hitting the internet. Parents, teachers, students and governments agencies alike are attempting to put a stop to bullying practices.
Whitted, Kathryn S. and David R. Dupper. “Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools.” Children & Schools 27.3 (2005): 167-175. Academic Search Elite. EBSCO. Web. 27 Mar. 2011.
There are many types of bullying from the most basic types like physical and verbal bullying that are mostly done by and directed at boys to the more advanced cyber-bullying which is mostly done by and directed at girls. Physical bullying may be a basic type of bullying but there are still many various ways it can be inflicted upon a child such as hitting, pushing, ...
Schools nowadays need to build an anti-bullying system and take certain steps and rules to ensure students safety. Peter K.
Whitted, K., & Dupper, D. (2005). Best practices for preventing or reducing bullying in schools. Children & Schools, 27(3), 167-175. Retrieved April 8, 2007 from EBSCO Online Database Academic Search Premier.http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=17538038&site=ehost-live
Bullying does not have a standard definition. Bullying can be anything from calling someone else names, beating them up just for the fun of it, to texting or messaging them on the internet or any mobile device. Any person can be the victim of bullying, not just children. Bullying causes many issues, physically, emotionally, and mentally, not only for the victim, but for their entire families as well. Bullies have many different reasons as to why they start bullying someone else. The actions done to the victim leaves them with only a few options on how to stop being bullied. How they handle it is always different.
Bullying is an issue that is a problem in society today. Bullying is any kind of unwanted behavior to an individual on repeated occasions which is a display of power over someone. Bullying is mainly common among students in school, and unfortunately, it happens in other places like at home between parents and children, and on rare occasions, among adults. When people began to identify bullying for what it is, it was only known as a physical aggression towards others, but over the course of time, bullying has moved from just physical bullying to verbal bullying, and power abuse in the workplace between co-workers in different ranks. In a book called Welfare Brat: A Memoir, Mary was bullied in school by boys on the streets, and unfortunately, she was verbally bullied by her mom. Bullying among children in the society is caused by different reasons, and affects its victims negatively.
First off, bullying is intentional and aggressive. Bullies seek power and control. The Center for Disease Control quotes, “students who experience bullying are at an increased risk for poor school judgement, sleep deprivation, anxiety and depression.” Up to 64% of children who were bullied did not report it, that means only 36% of children reported the bullying (Petrsina Gucken burg, DeVoe & Hanson 2010). Bullying is defined as “unwanted aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real perceived power imbalance.” People can be bullied based on their status too. Cliques are tight knit groups and they can bully people. Sometimes cliques are the reason someone is being bullied. For example, in the film “The eleventh minute”, a girl was in a clique and ended up getting bullied by them. Social bullying is the same as indirect verbal bullying in many ways. They are both manipulative, and they both spread rumors. All in all, bullying is aggressive, unwanted and
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” These words have been repeated countless times, but they are not accurate. In truth, words can kill. Bullying has become a highlighted problem within our society, and bullying in the school systems is even more prominent. According to the news, there are countless cases of bullying, many of which do not have happy endings. The rates of suicide due to bullying are currently higher than they have ever been before. Suicide is the third top causes of death in young people within the United States, averaging at 4,400 deaths a year, with over 50% of these deaths as a result of some sort of bullying. Studies also show that there are 100 suicide attempts for every one successful suicide performed (“Bullying and Suicide”). These numbers are disturbingly high. Bullying is affecting more kids in ways that some adults may never understand. The fact that words and actions can lead to cutting and suicides is still a distant concept to some and needs to be brought to immediate attention. Laws are now being put into place to prevent these tragedies, but what is really being done to prevent them within the schools or even within the students’ homes? There is a lot of finger pointing when it comes to this topic. But we all want to know what the cause is behind this nationwide crisis and who is responsible for it.
Have you ever been personally bullied by another person? Maybe you have not had your head forced into a locker, but verbally hurt? Bullying today can be quite serious. Bullying is when someone tries to hurt another person by hitting them or by simply hurting them with their words. Bullying is something that can have a huge impact on its victims. It might be something that lasts throughout their lives, or something that might cause them to take their lives. Bullies make small groups so that they can pick on other students who are small, fragile, and who can not defend themselves. Picking on someone should not be accepted because it can affect a person's well being in a drastic way. Bullying is believed to be a normal part of school life. However, when people begin to have that mentality they forget that bullying is psychologically and physically harmful to both the victim and the bully.