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Writing of survivors of the holocaust
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The history of the holocaust and its effects
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Recommended: Writing of survivors of the holocaust
The Holocaust derived from the Greek words “holos” (whole) and “kaustos”(burning) was considered by most to be the greatest atrocity in world history. This atrocity began in 1939 with the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland. Many people believe that the holocaust only affected Jews. The truth is that the holocaust affected many more people primarily anyone who was not Arian or as the Nazis would say “pureblood”. The holocaust is known for many things such as the gas chambers, the death marches, and the concentration camps. These few things were small amount of the atrocities that occurred in this genocide. An example of this was that the German Scientist named Joseph Magele also known to the deportees as the angel of death at Auschwitz. This monster was the thing that decided whether they were to go right or left when they were entering the camps. Those sent to the right which averaged somewhere between 70-90 percent were walking to their deaths.
Magele was not the only thing that killed the people of the concentration camps. Many of the deaths can very easily be attributed towards the lack of nourishment that the prisoners had to eat daily. This past weekend I had the honor of listening to a holocaust survivor speak and he said that their breakfast was a cup of coffee though it wasn’t really coffee it was really just leaves and for lunch they got a little bit of bread and very watered down soup. This lack of nourishment led to many of the deaths inside the walls. I am not saying this to deter from what the Nazis did to their prisoners but to make it a more visible point that they treated everyone like vermin if they were not “pure bred” like they were.
The final Solution was the “solution that the Nazi party felt was the solut...
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...ed on different ways to mass sterilize the Jews, Gypsies and everyone else that was considered to be an abomination towards what the Nazi party felt humans should be.
The United States did not get involved in the issues surrounding World War II or the holocaust until 1942 after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in their sneak attack on December 7th. In 1942 the United States met with the allies to discuss their involvement in the war. One of the biggest questions that were discussed was where the United States should create a second front on the western side of the German territories. In the end they decided to invade the French beaches which we now call D-Day which took place in June of 1944. Around two months later the allies conquered Paris freeing them from the Nazi occupation. The book describes the allies and soviets as “giant pincers” closing in on Germany.
World War II officially started on September 1, 1939, but what really pulled America into forceful action was when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. When Americans heard of the bombing, people panicked. Americans blamed everything on the Japanese and hated even the innocent Japanese-Americans for everything that happened. At this time, on the other side of the world, Hitler had already been overseeing concentration camps for Jews for eight years. The first concentration camps were in 1933, and millions of Jews were murdered and tortured mercilessly for no reason other than they were a race/ethnicity hated by Hitler. Night is an account of a young Jewish boy sent to a concentration camp with the rest of his family,
In World War II the Allied Forces had a "Europe First" campaign of invading the Atlantic countries before the Pacific. This is because Germany served as a bigger threat than Japan to the Allied Powers. In the United States, Franklin Delanor Roosevelt was the President. He kept America neutral at first, but later entered in after Pearl Harbor. George Patton was a popular U.S. Army leader who started tank warfare in America. Bernard Montgomery commanded the 8th Army which had victories in Europe including D-Day. At the near end of the war Omar Bradley toured through Germany notifying the rest of the world what had gone on there with all of the death camps during the Holocaust, which was where the murder of over 6 millioin Jewish people took place.
During World War II there was event that lead to deaths of millions of innocent people. This even is known as the holocaust, millions of innocent people were killed violently, there was mass murders, rapes and horrific tortures. The question I will attempt to answer in the course of this paper is if the holocaust was a unique event in history. In my opinion there were other mass murders that people committed justified by the feeling of being threatened. But I don 't believe that any were as horrific and inhumane as Germany’s genocide of the Jewish people.
The word Holocaust comes from the Greek language, and is a word that was used to identify a terrifying event that took place in our history, A time we will never forget. During this time period people were burnt and cast into fire. This word is almost a synonym to “death”. A very shocking moment in people’s lives is when they were children and they live during the Holocaust. Children in the holocaust were beaten, tortured and killed in either a concentration camp or death camp. If they did survive they would have died of hard labor, starvation or diseases that were spread in camps. Even though the time of the Holocaust happened in the past, however everything is not as simple as it seems from the first sight.
Holocaust Facts The Holocaust has many reasons for it. Some peoples’ questions are never answered about the Holocaust, and some answers are. The Holocaust killed over 6 million Jews (Byers.p.10.) Over 1.5 million children (Byers, p. 10). They were all sent to concentration camps to do hard labor work.
A holocaust is defined as a disaster that results with the tremendous loss of human life. History, however, generally identifies the Holocaust to be the series of events that occurred in the years before and during World War II. The Holocaust started in 1933 with the persecuting and terrorizing of Jews by the Nazi Party, and ended in 1945 with the murder of millions of helpless Jews by the Nazi war-machine. "The Holocaust has become a symbol of brutality and of one people's inhumanity to another." (Resnick p. 11)
As early as age thirteen, we start learning about the Holocaust in classrooms and in textbooks. We learn that in the 1940s, the German Nazi party (led by Adolph Hitler) intentionally performed a mass genocide in order to try to breed a perfect population of human beings. Jews were the first peoples to be put into ghettos and eventually sent by train to concentration camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald. At these places, each person was separated from their families and given a number. In essence, these people were no longer people at all; they were machines. An estimation of six million deaths resulting from the Holocaust has been recorded and is mourned by descendants of these people every day. There are, however, some individuals who claim that this horrific event never took place.
The holocaust was a horrible time in Germany where millions of people were killed simply for not being Aryan. The group responsible for this was called the Nazis led by a man of the name Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s main target was the Jews, in fact the Nazis were responsible for the killing of 6 million Jews, which is known as one of the largest genocides ever. The way this was done was by taking the Jews to places called concentration camps where they would be kept, tortured and eventually killed by being put into gas chambers. The conditions of these camps were horrible. People had to sleep on top of each other and minimal food was supplied. The results of this was that people died by just being there because they caught a disease. Not only were the conditions bad but people were tortured, beaten and starved. The Nazis put a whole new meaning to the word cruelty. One of the cruelest things the Nazis did was use the Jews for experiments, where people were basically test dummies for Dr. Mengele, who was the head Nazi doctor and referred to as the “angel of death.”
To begin with the holocaust had a great impact in history even though it was a time of disaster, murder, and discrimination. It was a time in which Adolf Hitler,German politician and Nazi party leader, wanted all Jews suffering or dead. Adolf Hitler turned everyone against the Jews because he believed that they were to wealthy and too powerful so he wanted to eliminate all of them. The Jews went through a lot of suffering and pain. The German soldiers which took commands from their leader, Adolf Hitler, put some Jews to work and killed others. Many Jews didn't get to work they were killed instantly. All women were separated from the man and woman were mostly killed instantly only some got the opportunity to work. The some ways that the jews were killed is that they were put into gas chambers by tons or shot by soldiers. Jews were also dying by starvation dehydration soldiers would not give them enough food or water. They would only want those with blue eyes and blonde hair they discriminated all the others. Soldiers would not only kill the Jews but torture them for anything they did. The Jews would be transported from camp to camp walking even in the worst weather conditions which also many died from it.
When World War 2 broke out in 1939, the United States of America was facing the dilemma of whether or not to intervene in the massacre known as the Holocaust. Some people believe that the United States did all they could to help the victims of the war. Some believe that America did hardly anything. But, there is stronger evidence pointing towards the fact that the United States did not do enough to stop the killing initiated by Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi army.
The Holocaust was the persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime. The total amount of people murdered during this time was 11 million, with six million of those being Jews. Not only were adults murdered but approximately 1.5 million children were murdered as well. The destruction of 5,000 Jewish communities also occurred during this time. The word “Holocaust” comes from the Greek origin meaning, “sacrifice by fire”. Another word for this mass murder of six million Jews is “Shoah”. “Shoah” means devastation, ruin, or waste. The Nazis who led this persecution came to power in Germany in January of 1933. The Nazis saw the Jews as evil or cowardly and saw the Germans as hardworking, honest, and courageous. The Germans were destined to rule and the Jews were doomed to extinction. Not only were the Jews a target but Gypsies, the disabled, and some of the Slavic people were as well. The Holocaust began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and it ended in 1945 when the Allies defeated the Nazis.
The Nazi’s perpetrated many horrors during the Holocaust. They enacted many cruel laws. They brainwashed millions into foolishly following them and believing their every word using deceitful propaganda tactics. They forced many to suffer doing embarrassing jobs and to live in crowded ghettos. They created mobile killing squads to exterminate their enemies. Finally, as part of “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question”, they made concentration and killing camps. Another thing the Nazi’s did was to use eugenics as another mean to micromanage the population. What is eugenics, you might ask? It’s the field of scientific study or the belief in genetically improving qualities, attributes and traits in the human race and/or improving the species as a whole—usually done by controlled/selective breeding. Those with positive, desirable, and superior traits are encouraged to reproduce and may be given monetary incentives by the government to have large families. Those with negative, undesirable, or inferior traits may be discouraged from having offspring. They may be sterilized, or undergo dangerous medical procedures or operations with high mortality rates. I chose this topic because it appealed to me and seemed interesting. In the following paragraphs, the tactics, methods, and propaganda the Nazi’s used will be exposed.
The Holocaust is a subject familiar to most people around the world. They either learned about it in school or on TV. The word “Holocaust” comes from the Greek words “holos” and “kaustos. “Holos” which means whole and the word “kaustos” meaning burned. Originally it is historically used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an altar. Throughout history the word has taken a whole different meaning. The modern definition of the word means the mass murder of some 6 million European Jews and other groups by the German Nazi “regime” during World War ll (History, 2016). The Holocaust was one of the darkest times for both Germany and the Jews who were targeted because Hitler believed that they didn’t meet his standards that would compromise
The Holocaust was one of the most tragic and trying times for the Jewish people. Hundreds of thousands of Jews and other minorities that the Nazis considered undesirable were detained in concentration camps, death camps, or labor camps. There, they were forced to work and live in the harshest of conditions, starved, and brutally murdered. Horrific things went on in Auschwitz and Majdenek during the Holocaust that wiped out approximately 1,378,000 people combined. “There is nothing that compares to the Holocaust.” –Fidel Castro
The Holocaust represents 11 million lives that abruptly ended, the extermination of people not for who they were but for what they were. Groups such as handicaps, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, political dissidents and others were persecuted by the Nazis because of their religious/political beliefs, physical defects, or failure to fall into the Aryan ideal. The Holocaust was lead by a man named Adolf Hitler who was born in 1889, and died in 1945.