The Hobbit Hero's Journey Essay

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The Hobbit, a fantasy novel written by author J.R.R. Tolkien, follows the story of a regular Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, who goes on an incredible journey in search of wealth and, unbeknownst to him, his own self-worth. This adventure that Bilbo goes on is the quintessence of the stages in “A Hero’s Journey”, which is a theory created by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. In his theory, Campbell states that all heroes, ranging from those in Greek mythology to those in today’s TV shows, encounter the same basic, universal stages throughout their journeys. These stages can be defined in many ways and can go by many names, but at its core, there are three main acts in “The Hero’s Journey”: Separation, Supreme Ordeal, and Unification.
During the act of Separation, the story begins with a hero living an ordinary life, unaware of the journey to come. This hero is then given a calling; to which he will refuse. His refusal to the calling prompts a mentor to come and aid the hero in beginning his journey, overcoming his reluctance to leave. In The Hobbit, Bilbo is found to be living comfortably in his luxurious hobbit hole at the ripe age of fifty. He eats seven meals a day, and finds time every morning to have himself …show more content…

In these stages, Bilbo receives a good bit of treasure, a magical ring and danger, and the realization of his true worth and potential, seeing the hero and adventurer within him. Finally, Bilbo returns home with the Elixir. Upon his arrival in this stage, Bilbo comes to find that his house and all his possessions are being actioned off. He quickly stops this auctioning, and once again settles down within his home, only this time, he has a better appreciation for it and all its comforts. From this point on, Bilbo is constantly pestered by those around him, as they are all intrigued by his journey, and wish to hear his

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