The History Of The Stonewall Inn

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Greenwich Village, the art and cultural center of New York, was the setting for what would be one of the most influential moments in the history of the Gay Liberation Movement. On the streets of the village, a white, brick building stands amongst the other stores and restaurants in the area. Looking at the building from the outside, one can hardly notice anything that stands out. A large, vertical hanging sign displays the word “Stonewall.” However, a sign on the front window reads, in white writing, “We homosexuals plead with our people to please help maintain peaceful and quiet conduct on the streets of the village.” The Stonewall Inn served as the backdrop of the Stonewall riots in 1969. In the 60’s, very few businesses were friendly to open homosexuals, and tensions amongst gays and mainstream culture were coming to a breaking point. Homosexuality was not as accepted as it is today, and there were few places for people to be open about their sexuality. The Stonewall Inn, apparently owned by members of the Mafia, was considered a safe haven for drag queens- the transgender community. It catered to male prostitutes, homeless youth- those were cast aside by a society that did not accept them. Police had raided the bar in the past, on a regular basis. But on June 28, 1969, the story took a turn. A number of officers, some plain-clothed, Detective Charles Smythe, and Deputy Inspector Seymour Pine showed up at 1:20 am and announced that they were “taking the place.” Having been used to raids in the past, some patrons of the bars tried to escape- only to find that their exits had been blocked. Standard procedure for police raids included female officers performing inspections in the restrooms, in order to confirm that some of the ... ... middle of paper ... .... However that all changed when Christianity became the empires official religion, so in accordance with Theodosian code gay marriages in the empire were outlawed and anyone in a pre-existing gay union were to be killed. During the Ming dynasty in China males would bind themselves to other males through complex ceremonies, females would do the same. There is an old Chinese story from the early Zhou dynasty titled, “Pan Zhang & Wang Zhongxian” were two men fall in love and get married, and there union is widely accepted by their community. Many other western cultures, other than the romans, had little problem with gays. The Greeks had many people who would practice same-sex love, thought they were commonly considered temporary. In more recent years, late 1800’s-early 1900’s, is when homosexuals started coming out of the woodwork again and making themselves known.

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