The Hedgehog and the Fox

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Leaders attain power through a combination of political savvy, physical strengthen and rhetorical skill. Weak leaders use sheer duplicity to gain power since to be duplicate shows a lack of the characteristics need for a respectable leader to determine if a leader is a noble one depends on the characteristics and overall mental state of the candidate. A few characteristics of a worthy leader include focus, passion, divisiveness, physical and mental strength, and confidence. Odysseus has the essential character traits of a suitable leader. Some of his greatest distinguishing traits include his combination of cunning and divisiveness. In several situations that Odysseus faces it is essential for him to think immediately to survive. That ability to think on his feet is what helps him escape some of those deadly situations. For example, in book nine, Odysseus plains out multiple steps for his escape. First, he finds a wooden staff in the cave, he then processed to sharpen and harden the staff of wood in the fire. Second, as Polyohemus returns Odysseus proceeded to make him drink wine. A...

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