The Harmony Of Religion And Philosophy

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On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy gives us insight to the philosophical views of a certain sect of Islam, and how it influenced it 's followers to view the world around them. Although it is helpful, this is written from a very biased position and it cannot be said that the views of the author are the views of Muslim culture as a whole. There is a constant attack on another religious group throughout the article that helps us to understand what this specific sect deems right and wrong through comparison of the groups. The author is attacking a religious group called the Asharites throughout the writing on the basis of their views of religion. This attack throughout the article is evidence that there was split in the views of Islamic philosophers. The Asharites appear to have a less strict view on how the idea of God should be presented and about how perfect he has created the world. The author writes "They think that the creation does not lead us to the knowledge of God through any of His goodness, but through possibility, that is, the possibility which is found in all things...

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