The Harm In Beauty Pageants

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The Harm in Beauty Pageants Beauty pageants have been around for a very long time, they have always been acknowledged as a way for girls and boys to show their inner and outer beauty or so they say. To this day pageants are praised in a way that maybe they shouldn’t be, for example, the fact that they made a show titled Toddlers and Tiaras, which portrays just how difficult it is for the child and parent to accommodate themselves to what is demanded of these pageants. These little girls are prancing around in little outfits with makeup on their faces and extravagant hairdos that seem too heavy for them to hold up. I find that there’s a certain amount of things you should want to expose your …show more content…

These children’s mindsets are manipulated into believing that they need to be beautiful and that life sets these sort of standards upon them where being beautiful is all you need to get ahead. An example of the mental effects these little girls go through is in the article “The Ugly Truth to Child Beauty Pageants.” Written by Claire Lindsey where she says “ Little girls are dressed up as barbie dolls and paraded around, trying to achieve some form of perfection that shouldn’t exist in little girls.” These little girls are told to be the sort of perfect that they will never be because it just doesn’t exist and they will mentally push themselves into achieving that sort of perfect because they think that is what makes them beautiful but that is exactly what messes them up, believing that such perfect exists is unhealthy for a little girl. What makes them beautiful is the fact that they are not perfect the fact that they are allowed to make mistakes without feeling like it is such a bad thing for a little kid. The main and most heard about mental effect that these pageants have on little girls is on their self-esteem being told that they did this wrong or that they could’ve done this better or even that there was something even a little thing wrong with the way …show more content…

There is a lot of girls in the world who get bullied because they are different than the rest and that makes them feel like they are ugly or like they are not worth anything but these pageants give them a sort of push so that they never let the things people tell them to bring them down actually hurt them.Little girls at a young age should be taught that the judgeful things other girls or boys tell them they should not let get to them so much because the opinions other people have of them should not affect the opinion they have on themselves. Although, there is a lot of controversy on whether the effects of these pageants are more negative than positive there is no denying that people would prefer that their daughters and sons grow up with the confidence of loving the way they look and not letting the things other kids tell them get to them rather than them letting themselves be put down. In the article “Psychological Effects of Child Beauty Pageants” on the website it emphasizes just how this confidence helps these little girls in a positive way by stating “Contestants who are bullied before they enter beauty pageants have better self esteem, confidence and pride in themselves.” The quote illustrates

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