The Han Dynasty And Roman Empires

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The Han Dynasty governed China for more than four hundred years. It rose to power in 206 BC and stayed until 220 AC. The Han Dynasty played a vital role in China’s development. This dynasty pioneered a political system and social structure that lasted in China for almost 2,000 years. The Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire were considered two of the most strongest civilizations at that time. The Roman Empire lasted from 27 BC to 393 AD. This empire changed the way Romans lived. The Romans made rapid advancements in science and technology. Both of these civilizations successfully took control of their countries. While they both have an abundant amount of similarities, they is an overwhelming amount of differences that set these two empires apart. The decline of these two civilizations were both caused by internal affairs. The Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire both ruled close to the same time span, they both had highly centralized political systems, and they both were the most advanced civilizations in their region of the world. Their similarities did not overshadow their differences however. The Roman Empire had a senate that served as their legislative body and in China, the emperors ruled over the city. The Han Dynasty implemented national equality, and used Confucianism thoughts to keep the country united, while the Romans divided their citizens into different social classes and kept ethic discrimination. While both civilizations had strong social class separators, the Roman Empire made their’s more apparent. Both civilizations were strong and advanced for their time, however, they both ruled their countries differently. Both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire were bureaucratic. Their central rulers all eventually were heredi... ... middle of paper ... ...diterranean, Romans were able to easily import and export goods. The Han Dynasty made China a more advanced country in fields such as technology and the political system. They created most of the cultural and political foundations for most of East Asia. To this day, the Han Dynasty is still known as “The Golden Age.” Both empires fell because of internal issues yet the exact reasons for their fall varied. The Roman Empire also made strong advancements in science and technology and they produced engineering accomplishments better than the Han. This Empire founded a legal code that is used today and they influenced technology and infrastructure that would help their successors. In conclusion, there were many differences between the famous Han Dynasty and Roman Empire however, these eras are both considered to be some of the strongest and most advanced generations.

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