The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The novel by Scoot F. Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby” is a well written synopsis of 1920s societal dynamic in America. The book follows the protagonist Nick as he describes the life and society in New York. He meets a man by the name of Jay Gatsby, who lives his life around only one desire to be reunited with love of his life Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby's quest leads him from a peaceful existence to WW I, from poverty to great wealth, from separation to the arms of the women he loves, and eventually to death. The author uses the story to portray the state and changes in the conscience of American Society at that time period. The stratification of societal class, the disillusionment with the idea of the American Dream, the preoccupation with wealth, the decays of morality with all the lies and deceits, the changes in women role and principles of marriage were all the part of Societal consciousness in the 1920s. Scott F. Fitzgerald effectively uses setting, plot, conflict, dialogue, and imagery in the novel to reveal societal stratification, disillusionment in the American dream, dominance of moral decays, changes in societal norms and values, as part of the conciseness of American society in the 1920s. The United States in the 1920s is characterized by economic growth and economic prosperity in big cities. During this time some people became very rich, self-made millionaires. While the “Old Wealth/Money” was mostly inherited and belongs to aristocrats, the “New Wealth/Money” was created by people who did not have any aristocratic pedigree, but had a drive to become rich. The "Old Money" families had fortunes dating from the 19th century or before, had powerful an... ... middle of paper ... ...nservatism and moderation were thrown out of the window and instead, pleasure-seeking and fast times became the national values. Scott F. Fitzgerald effectively uses setting, plot, conflict, dialogue, and imagery in the novel to reveal societal stratification, disillusionment in the American dream, dominance of moral decays, changes in societal norms and values, as part of the conciseness of American society in the 1920s. Work Cited Archives.Gov. "Declaration of Independance " The Charters of Freedom. Web. March 17th 2014. Churchwell, Sarah. "The Great Gatsby and the American Dream " The Guardian (2012). Print. "The Great Gatsby." Literatory Notes 2014. Web. March 17 2014. Fitzgerald, Scott. The Great Gatsby New York, NY: Scribner 2004. Print.

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