The Great Gatsby Quote Analysis

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The American Dream symbolizes the belief that anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve success and prosperity through hard work and determination. The American Dream, under my definition, is about love and comfort. Whatever YOUR dream for yourself is. In the novel “The Great Gatsby”, Gatsby demonstrates this by chasing after Daisy, believing she is the ultimate dream/reward. Although many people believe that the American dream means attaining wealth, love, and status, nevertheless, the American dream is really about the pursuit of happiness and self-fulfillment because it is subjective and different for everyone. True success is defined by who is trying to achieve it. One of the main characters in Gatsby, Nick, reflects on Gatsby’s pursuit and dreams, “Gatsby believed …show more content…

In “The Epic America” James Troslow wrote, “America had gone wrong in becoming too concerned with material and forgetting the higher dreams and the higher aspirations that the country had been founded on”. This quote shows how different people believe success is many things. The idea can be changed based on what the dreamer believes. The concept of success can be interpreted and reanalyzed based on the individual's thoughts. Shedding light upon their vision of what achieving it truly means to …show more content…

In “The Great Gatsby”, Nick observes Gatsby and says, “I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life”. (Fitzgerald, pg 29) This quote explains the complexity of the American Dream and the pursuit of happiness. And mirrors Gatsby’s own experience, since he is so consumed by the idea of having Daisy as his own. He perceives her as his dream. But also is consumed by superficiality and corruption surrounding him. Which aligns with the thesis? The idea of the dream means different things to different

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