The Great Gatsby Monologue

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Daisy I’m getting desperate, I have been hosting parties not because I want show of my wealth but because of you. All I wanted is you walking in one day. It seems like you don’t like the parties or maybe your husband is preventing you. I have been disappointed over and over again, it doesn’t matter how hard I try, and you are still so far away from me. Maybe it is time for me to move on and give up on you but Nick arrived and lives beside my castle without a woman. Nick is now my neighbour and I know nothing about him so I send my butler to investigate on him and the butler informed me that he and Daisy were cousins. Now I feel like my chance of getting you back has arrived. Nobody understand how excited I am now. It is like a new chance for me catch my dream, a dream that I have been waiting for five years. …show more content…

During the party I saw that he was looking for me and I introduced myself to him, he was shocked. I revealed my intention at the party to Jordan of getting daisy back, of course she was my alliance. She was shocked and though I was out of my mind but at the end I convinced her. I told her everything about my past, about the war that I was send to, went to Oxford and the purpose of throwing parties. The reason of buying this castle at the West Egg, the green light and the plan I made. She decided to co-operate with me and talk to Nick about inviting Daisy over for drinking

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